Overbridge more stable on Mk2?

So when OB v2 came out of beta I tried it, and to my delight everything worked. I have AR/A4 mk1 and a DN. I was able to record individual audio from everything into Studio One and it opened a whole new world of possibilities for jamming out tracks and being able to edit/mix properly later on.

However, despite having not changed anything in my system/setup, I’ve started having issues where the AR/A4 just disconnect randomly and sometimes reconnect but often don’t. I’ve tried different USB ports (I’m using an Overhub), I’ve tried removing unnecessary USB peripherals, I’ve tried running it with only the A4 or AR going through OB, but things still disconnect. However the DN is consistently flawless - hasn’t disconnected once.

Are the Mk2 AR/A4 more reliable/stable in OB or do they face similar issues? I’m almost tempted to give up on the bigger devices and get a DT and a 2nd DN :grin: For now I’m just using the individual outs on the AR, but of course on the A4mk1 I’m stuck with stereo outs only.

TL;DR - is there any difference between OB interaction on the mk1 vs m2 AR/A4

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Which version are you running and what computer OS would be helpful.

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Mk2s have more USB bandwidth for streaming more tracks simultaneously. Otherwise, they are the same. Just make sure you have the latest OSes for compatibility/bug fixes.

Latest versions of everything I think.
A4: 1.40A
AR: 1.50A
Running on Windows 10 Pro (Build 19041), Studio One as DAW.

Good to know. The Digitone + OB has been rock solid for me which is absolutely great, which is what makes me wonder, being digital at heart, are they just better suited to the whole OB end of things.

Really? The RYTM is my most trusty MKII Elektron that I use with OB. I’m on Mac using Bitwig. Often times the other machines fail to connect. The Heat and Digitone are often the most troublesome (they show idle in OB Control panel even after the plug-in has been loaded by Bitwig. Maybe it’s an odd Apple/USB hub issue or driver or plugin issue that will eventually be resolved?

I believe we’re on 2.0.40 now aren’t we?

Still on 2.0.39

That’s good to hear. Hopefully it’s just some unusual issue. I might spend some more time going through the exact conditions and send a message to support

Perhaps only beta testers and other people with advanced knowledge of Elektron’s plans are on 2.0.40.

Ah my brain probably just saw 39 and was like that doesn’t sound right :joy: