Overbridge on Cubase AI, multitrack recording possible?

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the noob request.
I am trying to find a way to use overbridge’s multitrack recording on cubase AI 10.5.20, this is a cheap version of Cubase in which you can’t route a groupe track or bus as an input for an audio track…

I have an analog Rytm Mk2 and a steinberg UR42 as audio interface. I’m also on mac, so I can use multiple audio interfaces at the same time.

I’ve been digging on youtube and forums to find a work around but I’m still stuck…:frowning:

If anyone have an idea or a solution, It’ would be great !


then you cant do mulitrack recording for overbridge


I had the same situation using Cubase 9.5 artist
had to upgrade to the pro version :wink:

…good old logic does all the trick and is all urs in full fresh license under 200 bux…
including every future update to come…
a no brainer for any mac user…
after 2 weeks u won’t miss a thing of cubase…promise.

Yep, seems there’s no work around to avoid paying the full cubase version…