Overbridge possible for Model line?

I dont know if this was asked before, but is there something in the model line that prevents overbridge, and better use of the model line as an audio interface?

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I wish they would just add individual tracks streaming over USB, so you could record each track separately into a DAW.

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You can easily do that in Ableton. External Instrument module, set audio from cycles, and midi 1-6 determines which engine is playing. You can create a drum rack, and place the external instrument module on each pad, and make a cycles drum kit in ableton. Using a drum rack, you can essentially mix each drum rack pad separately, or route the audio to individual tracks

probably - that is my recollection too from previous info - but more importantly, i can’t see the will being there even if the device could be leveraged to do so - it’s not what they are about and that’s reflected in the price

i wouldn’t hold my breath, you could always ask directly, i think you’ll likely get a definitive response rather than a vague one, but who knows

had no idea you can’t do this… really glad i didn’t buy one

So how would this work for things like LFO settings and filter settings per track?

I just got cycles so I dont know frankly

I get what you are saying, but it seems like some things would definitely be missing.