Overbridge PRO/Overbridge Free

Haha! The OP made me laugh with this one!

It’d be a right kick in the stones if Elektron went and charged for something they previous confirmed as being free. Anyway, being honest, I think some are getting a little carried away with what Overbridge is going to do for them. Maybe it’s because I already have an 8 in/out interface and AK/AR so less of an issue but I really don’t see what the big fuss is other than making multitracking a little easier.

And for those with multiple units, I’d be amazed if you could multitrack more than one box simultaneously without having a bit of a beast of a system. Plus I’m still curious how all of this is going to work on Windows based systems with it’s multi audio interface issues (I refuse to use ASIO4ALL).

Anyway, don’t mean to be on a downer. I’m sure many will absolutely love what Overbridge brings and will find it incredibly useful. For me, finally learning to largely get away from the computer, it’s massively less of a big deal than it was, say, announced a year ago.

Hmmm… all these replies, and not a word from the original poster.
he didn’t even specified what would be more pro about the pro version.
he only added: lets add copy-protection to it… which is a known keyword to trigger massive discussions about how sucky it works…

Smells like a debat-bait to me… OP is sitting at home laughing his ass off, with you all discussing… it would have been allot more valid, if the OP actually thought of the difrences between a free/lite version and a pro version… it could even be that the OP thinks that overbridge is a virtual elektron-machine-plugin… instead of a software interface to your hardware (in the form of a plugin).

Im thinking maybe Overbridge Pro should have something like an Octatrack plugin -that can handle higher sample rates ( 96KHZ 24 bit )
Would be a solution for Octatrak owners that are missing out due to hardware limitations?
Just floating the idea that a Pro version for a “modest fee” might not be such a bad idea and food for thought for Elektron
have you seen what Soundtoys/Avid/Digidesign/Brainworx charge for their plugins?

As far as copy protection goes —you’d sell a lot in first few months
then sales would stop after it has been cracked so you need to tie it to Elektron hardware to stop these guys trying to crack your software
Maybe not ilok but having the hardware as a dongle and auth solution like ableton would be ok

You cant solve a hardware problem/limitation with new firmware/software… so there cannot be a pro-version that supports the octatrack… they would need to make a hardware-fix/upgrade for it…
and for that 2 work… you need to send back your octatrack.
THIS will be something they can charge for…

thus no need for an ilok… you need a physical device to make it work.
no elektron that supports overbridge… no overbridge…
so please sir… if you have bright ideas you want to discuss… get informed.
I still say your debate-bait…

What I meant is a a virtual Octratrack as part of Overbridge Pro, incentive
for the community to buy in and a way for Elektron to get paid for their design work.
(Now that would be something else —higher sample rates , bit rates )
I think its a much more viable idea then above posters suggestion to get Octatrak hardware updated ?

maybe a conversion tool to export your project to the physical Octatrak for existing Octatrak owners that are missing out on Overbridge?

Is it not insulting to pay for something when its intent was to offered for free? And theres no “non Elektron BOx” owning elektron users - no box, no Overbridge.

This is the silliest thing Ive seen proposed on this site…

Elektron dont charge for OS/softeware updates. Never have and hopefully never will

…blimey … I can’t work out if this is for real or an Elektronauts thread in the style of the Onion, hopefully the latter though I’m all for free thinking, no offence meant, sincerely, but it’s up in the clouds

What you suggest, a conversion-tool/manager for the octatrack. yeah some people on this forum would kiss elektrons ass and then lick it twice… but then again… call me weird. but If elektron makes one… I want it for free… if rusty ever finishes his… he can charge whatever he wants…
I still think your trying to hard, to fix a problem that doesn’t exist… and if it existed, its not your problem… I am still not sure what exactly you want to discuss, other then : Do you elektronauts like to be cashcows? would you pay for this or that… and I think the answer is:
most would not… some say they will… a minority actually would be happy about it…
so the majority would most likely feel “shitted on” and that’s just bad business…

I think Elektron has enough money, we don’t need to pass the hat around guys.

I’m pretty sure that they’re “getting paid for their design efforts” and are most definitely not doing it “for free”.

That looks like bait, yeah. :slight_smile:

But anyway, I’d not be thrilled if Overbridge had a crippled free and a full-featured “pro” version. When I bought the RYTM (and made plans to pick up the A4), Overbridge was an aspect that did contribute to the decision to drop the money.

Not worried, though. As someone else said, getting free updates and new features is part of the business model. A free Overbridge increases hardware sales.

Haste makes waste . . .

If Elektron would require money for overbridge, they would should oneself in the food.
Moog & Access deliver also some free software to connect the hard- and software.
But the Elektron overbridge is a new fantastic and innovative hardware integration as never before.

So it takes more time to present a proper working software and this what we all want … :+1:

OB = onion bridge … L O V E I T !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Yeah, lol - cool Idea ^^ Especially if you consider the fact that Overbridge was a selling point to a lot of the more recent buyers of the analog gear … that expect this to be free when its done!

Overbridge could’ve been a chargeable Update, sure. But in that case they should have clearly declared it as optional in the first place and more important: They should have delivered the regular updates for the machines in the time beeing - new machines for the AR for example i guess lots of people already forgot that they were promised at launch ^^ But they didnt and so i dont see why i should pay money for the experiment Elektron does here.

not correct, Access did the same with the Virus TI decades ago already :wink:

Only new thing from Elektron is that they deliver a dedicated mixer software as it seems and a little more Ins/Outs (AR) thanks to USB 2, while the Virus only had USB 1.1 and therefore just 3 simultaneous audio streams - in stereo though. But the rest is not new, i still love Access for beeing the Inventor of Total Integration :joy: Considering the power of the Virus (80+ voices if you do it right) this integration also makes a lot of sense and complements the Synth’s general “layered” architecture. It has to proove if Elektrons version of the TI will make equal sense in an anlog - rather performance oriented - hardware domain. We will know when its done :wink:

Wash your mouth out and never speak those words again.

Isn’t the AR or A4 THE copy protection for OB?

There’s some serious flaws in the OP’s logic.

One would have to steal an AR or A4 just to use OB. And if you’re stealing hardware just to use software, you’ve got some other weird issues going on and may need to rethink some things…

BUT to be fair, Elektron is working with a public relations staff that doesn’t know how to manage its customers’ expectations. Remind me when’s the public beta of OB supposed to be released???

Not to give this stupidity more attention than it deserves, but what the OP was saying was for Elektron to release a pro version, that costs money- presumably they would want copy protection to make it harder for people using the free version to pirate it.

Or every OS update they could charge us the full retail price of another A4/Akeys/AR.
Both of our ideas are awesome! (but i think we’ve lost our minds).

why the fuck in hell would anybody want a ‘pro’ version…

Elektron , just release it please - now … bugs and all … get it out of the way…

Then get back to focus on the hardware … and no new releases … jeez - these fuckers are riddled enough