Overbridge PRO/Overbridge Free

Suggest to Elektron they make an Overbridge PRO and Overbridge Free
Im sure people would be willing to pay USD$199 for a pro version ?
Pro Version should have copy protection --like ilok or similar
We can’t expect Elektron to work for nothing ?
Feedback on this idea?

I think people would pay for it but where is the point of charging 199USD?
Users need an A4/AKeys or AR to use the Overbridge .
Either way Elektron will make money with the Overbridge.

I’m not sure I see the point in this. Elektron are currently gracious enough to release Overbridge as a free update. I’m sure AR and A4/AK owners would cry foul if they were to only get a crippled version of it. It can’t be implemented in the earlier machines due to hardware limitations.

Now, if they offered a hardware upgrade to the OT (or if it was even remotely possible, the MD/MNM), I’d be interested. It would be worth paying for an upgrade to use the OT with Overbridge, IMO.

Besides, what’s the point in suggesting a paid upgrade option when we haven’t even seen what Overbridge can do?

EDIT: I’d also argue that they are making money from Overbridge in a way, as it seems to be a key selling point to many for the machines that can utilize it, and I’m sure it will help to move units once it is released and people can see what it can do.

Be patient and stop suggesting silly ideas.

I would definitely prefer NOT to pay especially after we have been told its free. :alien:

Yes good idea. We’re all cash cows just waiting to be milked.

Yeah would rather have overbridge for free and support elektron by buying more machines - I dont like being nickel-and-dimed on gear, would be okay if the box cost £200 but when it cost £1000+ just seems a little tight. Just look at the shit storm around roland’s tr-8 7x7 ‘expansion’ - the biggest issues people had were that the ‘expansion’ included functionality, and extra functionality really shouldn’t be paid for once you own the machine. I have a tr-8 and wont be expanding it, or at least not until the ridiculous release price drops (£2 a sound - mental, I refuse to pay as much as a pouch of tobacco for damned whistles long and short that I will NEVER use XD). Charge for sounds, no problem - but functional stuff should be free, im a firm believer in that.

Overbridge is just a convenience more than anything else. Anyone with a quality interface or A/D conversion and outboard/analog gear may not use it.

I’m more thinking about vst control than the audio streaming tbh - will make life a TON easier in the studio,

When Korg released Gadget for the iPad, part of the (relative) high cost involved the promise of additional machines included for the purchase price. Since then, we’ve received two different sample IAPs and a (fairly boring, IMHO) piano module for addition money. As good as they may be, I’m not buying them just on principle. That kind of stuff just makes me think that maybe I shouldn’t invest any more money in your brand/ecosystem. Elektron are doing it right by releasing Overbridge for free. I don’t have an A4 yet, but that is the kind of thing that makes it certain that I will buy one this year.

I dunno.
Even the highest quality interface/ADC can’t get around the lack of individual outs on the A4.
Overbridge is (hopefully) the solution for that. It was promised for free, and I’m sure that it will be delivered so.

No. TBH id rather they took their time and fixed the remaining bugs on the units first. But thats not likely as they wanna get overbridge out - whatever.
Also iLok copy protection, ROFL. Have you seen how many hacks there are to circumvent this? Do you have any idea of costs associated with going down that road? And finally but not least i’m sure everyone here who gigs would love to tell you about that time they lost a flimsy usb key and couldn’t do a show…
TL;DR elektron hardware box is the copy protection, any suggestion to add bloatware like ilok under the pretext of protection is seriously misguided.
ps. am i the only one who doesnt rly give a sh!t about overbridge, its not like these boxes are meant to take you away from the DAW mouse / kbd “musical” interface.

Overbridge is not free, you all have already paid for it when purchasing an Elektron instrument. Or how do you think Elektron’s business model works like?

i think i’ll charge to respond on bonkers threads, wisdom for free is so 2014 :wink:

Even hardware based musicians like to record live takes to multitrack, and apply post processing to tracks before mixdown. As far as I am aware, the vast majority of both home and professional studios use a computer and a DAW as a recording device.
Overbridge will facilitate this. Again esp. where the A4 is concerned, and multiple outs are not currently an option.

@blip - same reason I bought one… Still need a daw though - I (like most people i guess) dont have the money/space/inclination for a hw recording set up, but want to actually produce and polish the music I make too. Have a ton of good quality vsts ive collected over the years (komplete, rob papen, imageline stuff etc) that are perfect bedfellows for sexy ass glitchery of the analog keys. I use touchosc on my tablet to remove the whole keyboard/mouse from the equation as much as possible too - fully recall/quick and easy automation via overbridge will be the icing on the cake for me.

Haha beaten to it.

Fuck that shit.

Why don’t you just send Elektron your extra money if you are so eager to pay them more.

yea i get that, but its still possible to do this by using mutes… at least on OT and RYTM, i dont have an A4 but would imagine its still doable.

not saying overbridge is a bad thing per se, but would rather HW bugs were fixed first.

I hate money