Overbridge program change MIDI channel 16


I’m trying to send program changes to my Digitakt while using Overbridge on Ableton. In the manual it says:

‘‘You can send MIDI notes to the plugin on MIDI channel 16 to request pattern changes on the Elektron de-vice. Like SONG POSITION sync, this works in a best effort manner. The sequencer will change to the new pattern after the current pattern has played through to the end.’’

So what I did - in MIDI config set ‘‘prog chg in ch’’ to 16 just in case. Then I created a MIDI clip in the DT MIDI track, where I have C-2 triggered. The problem is that this just triggers a sound from the Digi. I also don’t understand how to set the output channel on this track to 16 since it has audio (and thus doesn’t have MIDI out options in Ableton).

What am I missing?