Overbridge Protocol Specification?

Hello Everyone.

I am working on a Linux tool for Elektron machines. Initially, I want to implement some sysex functionality for project/sound/pattern organization/backup/restore, etc.

I mentioned this to Daniel Troberg, and he suggested I posted a topic here.

So here I am.

Is there any information published about the Overbridge protocol? If not, considering the overbridge plugin is free, and one has to own an Elektron machine to actually use it, would Elektron engineers be able to provide more information? The alternative is doing reverse engineering, but I am not so sure about taking that path, considering my love for Elektron as a human group :smiley:

I will be coding in Python 3, using Linux. I have an A4 and an AR at my disposal.

Thank you all.


No. Elektron has not (to my knowledge) even published a SysEx spec for the AF/AK or AR, although some forum members have figured it out.

You would have to ask Elektron directly. It would be interesting to hear the result. Good luck!

You should be able to tap into Overbridge as an Audio Unit. In theory… any AU properties/parameters that are available in the plugin should be available to any AU host app. I’m currently trying to write my first host in C++ but I’m having a hard time getting callback events from the AU parameters. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of support for AUhosting on the Apple Developer site. My get functions and set functions seem to work fine as of right now though. Perhaps I can look into implementing pattern and sound organization stuff with this method sometime. I’m not sure how much data is available in their AU properties yet but I’m seeing 536 parameters available on the Analog Four alone! If anyone has experience with Audio Unit Host applications… let me know.




536 :smiley:

Already drooling with delight :slight_smile: