Overbridge really screwed up

Just got my Digitone and was excited to try overbridge but man it screwed everything up.

First with overbridge installed, trying to sync it with studio one and cubase was a no go. The bpm on the digitone jumped between 120bpm, 225 bpm and 300 bpm and was useless.

Uninstalled overbridge and the sync was ok.

But now it have started to crackle with a lot of applications when not running digitone even. Like when I try to stream live with my steinberg ur44c and ecamm live, it works for a little while and then start to crackle. This was never a problem before overbridge installation. Is there any way to completely delete all ovebridge files before having to reinstall the complete box from scratch?



Is there a chance you have changed your audio interface buffer size to something smaller than it was before you messed with OB ? I know ob suggests (and prefers) small buffers. And maybe if you followed that recommendation it is too small now?

Does sound like your buffer is way too short or way too long…I have a Yamaha n12 which I think from memory run on the same driver (Steinberg and Yamaha are sister companies, or were) my N12 likes to hog and not share sound card duties, so I have it set as using the driver as the main input/output with a 512ms latency…then using the Elektron OB software I set it also to 512ms. I also switched everything to 48000k as for some reason it just works better?

This works well for me, and I have a DT, DN, A4mkii and an ARmkii all running along side a Access Virus Snow streaming 3 stereo channels over usb and the N12 streaming all 12 channels no problem…

It’s just a setting, try 256 or 512 on all drivers and the OB engine and try 48000k if you can…

Nopes had nothing to do with buffer. I tried setting it to the highest and it was the same. As soon as I started a video capture application like ecamm or record it, the crackling came in audio, and as soon as I closed the video application, crackling was gone. The only change I made to the computer was to install and uninstall overbridge… But got fed up with bug testing so I installed a fresh osx yesterday. I won’t install ovebridge, don’t really need it so.