Overbridge - sequencing notes from Ableton (A4mkI or ARmkI)

Im happy with fact that the new Overbridge can finally make Ableton and AR or A4 tight synced. (used USAMO before, but had lot of problems with it lately). BUT, seems like sending notes from Ableton midi clip to AR or A4 is not that simple as it was using USAMO or external instrument plugin (or like using Virus via TI plugin). Namely, correct me if im wrong; midi clips cannot send notes (or program changes) when being on Overbridge channel, am I right? So, realised that for this purpose one need additional midi channel directed to AR or A4’s USB driver. Great, it works, both notes and program changes. BUT, audio triggered by notes in midi clip is significantly delayed - not in a sync with sequence. So, seems like my method is just workaround, but not complete solution. Any suggestions?

guess that solution is here:

not straightforward way, but it works

thanks Synth & Sundry

You can send midi notes to the A4/AR plugin and it should not have a delay…
If you use the USB midi to send notes delay compensation will have to be added to the channel

ok, yes, as is shown in video, the notes must be sent on A4/AR plugin (not USB). but seems like program changes are not received using this method. any ideas how to send program changes?