Overbridge standalone=ok, Plugin=no go

Sorry if I’m starting a new thread if not necessary, wasn’t sure where to start.

Anyone else having this issue and know what’s going wrong? The standalone Overbridge for both my Rytm and A4mk2 work fine and recognise the devices but I have no such joy when opening the plugins in Ableton Live, it just says ‘no device recognised’. Where am I going wrong?


is overbridge engine running? what’s the overbridge control panel saying?

Yea the engine is running and showing the 2 devices in the engine, and like I say opening the standalone OB works perfectly and interacts with them, just not in the DAW.

are you sure you are using the right (newest) plugin version in ableton? custom vst folder? maybe the new ones are installed in the wrong place?

just a quick idea, what to check…

Well I uninstalled the beta, and there’s an AR and A4 plugin in my usual VST folder, I can only assume they’ve automatically been put in that folder when I installed the new OB?

i also have no way of knowing, if they have been installed in the „right“ folder… :wink:

cause in ableton you can use a vst location of your choice, maybe the newest plugins are not in the folder which gets scanned by ableton live and you are seeing/using old ones…

did you follow the installation steps in the ob 2.0 manual?

Ooh, this might be the issue, I didn’t have the devices unplugged during installation. Strange though that it would still work ok in standalone mode. I’ll give this a try.


Nope, didn’t work. The A4 plugin does now show the A4 connected but it does nothing, there’s no interaction between the plugin and the device, the AR plugin still doesn’t even recognise the device. Both machine are in OB mode. The Overbridge engine shows both devices but says ‘idle’ beside them. In standalone mode Overbridge works perfectly fine with both the A4 and AR.

during the installation process, you can see, where (which directory) the plugins get installed to. can you verify, that ableton uses these plugin files and not older ones? maybe do a search on your harddrive, to see if you have multiple versions installed… just to rule out the possibility of old plugins…

maybe you can see a version number in the plugin window? (i am not at my pc now, so cant check…)

also you have the right firmware versions on the ar and a4, right?

Yes to all I’m afraid. I checked my VST folder after uninstallation to ensure the plugins weren’t showing in it anymore then installed the new OB, I even installed the plugins I didn’t need e.g digital just to see if they would show in that folder after installation and they do. Yes updated OS’s on the devices too.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding this so ignore me if so. My plugins are in a custom folder for Ableton and moving the DLL files wouldn’t work but I was moving the wrong DLL files as the correct ones are actually in a Steinberg folder.

I didn’t move any vets manually, I just uninstalled the beta and installed the version as per the instructions, I was just saying that I checked the custom vst folder after uninstalling the beta just to ensure none of the old plugins were left there.

Maybe my issue was different. I could use overbridge standalone but the vst wouldn’t show up in Ableton.

Yea for me the plugins show in Ableton but they don’t interact with the devices. The A4 plugin even says that it has detected the A4 (oddly the Rytm plugin says no device connected).

I got it to work in the end, it took starting a new project though for some reason. Can’t get it to work in existing projects but that’s ok.

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