Overbridge + Studio One 5.1 + Digitakt / not in sync

Hi guys,

once again an overbridge topic with sync and recording latency :slight_smile:
I read tons of posts and I still have many question marks in my head.


Digitak (in OB modus), Overbridge, Studio One 5.1, Windows PC, Soundcard (Presonus mixer AR16c) – all with the newest software / firmware versions.


My DAW is the master and when I record the Digitakt patterns via OB, there is always a big latency.

The drum loop record is never in the grid. E.g. the first bar has a delay of 1500 samples and comes generally late.

Cutting the audio clips, sorry I have no time for this.

My efforts:

I tried out many different adjustments with buffer settings (Soundcard + OB) but noting helps.
Sometimes I can reduce the delay a little bit, but not to a satisfactory extent.
I improve the Windows USB settings, change the USB ports, check background services, do some Win optimizations – nothing changed.

I know there some options for Midi Delay and Clock compensation in Ableton available, but in Studio One I don’t have similar parameter options per track.
But I think those adjustments doesn’t help, because OB use a proprietary communication protocol over USB and is not standard MIDI over USB.
If I am right, then I need delay adjustments options for OB – but it isn’t available.

In this context I think about an alternative solution – Midi Interface or Expert Sleepers - USAMO?
But how work this with OB?.
I set the Digitakt to MIDI+USB for incoming, connect a MIDI interface or USAMO to the MIDI IN of the digitakt and change the OB modus in “not sync”.

When the DAW started, then comes the Midi clock and transport over the Midi cable and the recording goes over USB / OB into my DAW.

I am right? Some other ideas or alternatives? I only want accurate audio clips in my DAW without any post-editing works (cutting etc.) :slight_smile:
