Overbridge throwing DN out of tune?

Hi, first post here…

I have a strange issue with my DN and Overbridge in Windows 10. Issues occurs in the VST or standalone application.

Audio plays fine no issues - then suddenly it pops almost like a buffer overload and for a while the sounds are slightly tuned up, almost like it is a sample with speed increased slightly… Before long the audio pops again and returns to normal.

I have managed to record this happening. I searched everything I could think of to find an answer but couldn’t find anything… Hoping you guys might be able to suggest something?

Thank you!!

Have you tried it with a new project? Just to rule out any bad settings in the project…

Yes, tried a few different projects and a fresh blank one. Realising it is definitely speeding up the playback, it goes out of sync with the clock in ableton also when it happens.

Ok, was just a quick guess. Maybe play with different buffer settings in the ovrrbridge control panel an see, if that helps…

…yup…swedish fm and all in tune can be an issue…sometimes…
no ob needed for this to happen…but it’s rare…no corrupted project…just fm’s complex nature…

– I have no idea if this can happen but–

Check the sample rate your audio interface is running at and make sure it’s the same as overbridge. From the pop and the pitch change it sounds like what might happen if overbridge is running at 44.1 and your interface is running at 48 and the driver suddenly switches between the settings so that audio transmitted at 44.1 is played back at 48: it would be pitched up about a semitone and you wouldn’t have enough samples for the buffer, causing a dropout

You have no options to change the Sample Rate with OB, only the buffer size. I don’t know why (usually, it’s the first thing I do when installing a new OB version) but my Audio Interface and OB weren’t on the same buffer size so I will report if that was the case for my own issue. Thanks.

I was thinking that maybe OB expects a particular sample rate and if an audio interface is set differently (like if OB only works at 44.1, 256 sample buffers and your audio interface and DAW are working on 48, 128) there could be unexpected behaviour. I haven’t used OB in ages so this is all hand wavey, but the combination of pops and pitch changes could be caused by changing sample rate/buffer len inappropriately.

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It’s a good guess. Maybe you just solved my issue. I didn’t have time lately to look at this (family vacations) but I’m hopeful this will do the trick.

Thank you all so much for your replies.

  1. I have spent some time playing with buffer sizes, making sure everything is set to the same, trying it at different values. The pop sound that it makes does sound like an overload so this was my first guess.
  2. There is no way to change sample rate in the overbridge control panel, however there is a setting in the standalone Digitone application… There was a discrepancy with the DT set to 48kHz and my interface set to 44.1kHz… I’m hoping this will fix the issue, will report back after playing around with it today.

Nope, still doing it. Was stable for a while, but then click, speed up playback and pitch up. :frowning:

I’ll add that nothing changes on the DN display, and it has been working fine for the 18 months I have owned it. Just an overbridge / PC issue.

That didn’t do it.

So frustrating. I’m starting to think it must be some issue with my PC setup… Went through an updated some drivers but that didn’t seem to help.

I’ve created a support ticket. If anything comes of it I’ll let you know :+1:

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Sorry to hear it’s still broken. Hopefully support can help!

Have u switch off screen savers / energy efficiency settings , hard drive going to sleep … things like that ?

Assuming you mean in the PC.

Yes, have done all that recommended audio optimisation stuff on the PC end. It’s a good call, I went back through and checked everything too. Honestly the PC has been running flawlessly with Ableton and any other VST I throw at it so far, I thought it would handle OB without issue. Thanks for the reply friend.

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I have the same problem after installing the latest overbridge update.