Overbridge transport/clock deactivation

Hey folks, quick question here:

I want to use my Digitone as an audio interface with overbridge to record its tracks and my modular plugged in the inputs separately in my DAW. I also have my OT plugged into my soundcard so I can record it on its own too. My problem is that I want to start and sequence everything through MIDI with my OT, not the DAW, but the Digitone plugged with overbridge always starts with my DAW.

So, is it possible to deactivate clock and transport information going through overbridge to avoid this behaviour?

In the Digitone plugin, there’s the option to turn off transport sync. There’s a dropdown menu in the top bar, called Sync.

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OK, I will check this again, thanks a lot !

Found it! Don’t how I didn’t see it the first time, thanks a lot!

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