Overbridge UI Zoom unusable/ Can't scroll

Hi there Elektronauts,
Please help!

I have searched these forums and can’t find the right answer. I accidentally increased the UI zoom and now when I open up the Overbridge plugin, the UI is way too big to access the settings on the right hand side. I can’t even access the scroll bar down the bottom. I’ve tried changing screen resolution, I’ve even tried uninstalling and then installing again but it’s not working. I can’t scroll which means I can’t do anything. Please help, I’m about to throw my laptop at the wall. I thought I’d have a fun night and give overbridge a try, but now I’m about to lose it! Any tips would be much appreciated.


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Sorry I should mention I’m using windows 10 with ableton 9.

This is what I am faced with:

Have you tried resetting the zoom via the Overbridge Control Panel (i.e. outside of Live).

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^ this

besides, why sweat about something about to be revamped in all likelihood ? time will tell

thanks for this, I didn’t realise there was a seperate control panel application. I legitimately was trying to sort this out for 4-5 hours. thank you kindly!!


Having this issue too. However, the Overbridge Control Panel solution above does not seem to alter the individual instrument zoom levels on my setup, meaning I can’t see the lower section of the UI. Any ideas? Is there a config file I can edit or keyboard shortcut I’m missing to solve this?

Hi everyone))) Is any news about solve the problem?)

macbook 2014 os 10.13.6
No scroll :frowning:
No controllElektroll ??

controll panel no zoom tooo.
part of life))
no cursor interaction… hm

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Same here. Zoomed in and unable to be used. Both in Ableton and the standalone. Versions are listed below:

OSX 10.13.6
Ableton 11.1.5
Overbridge 2.5.1
Digitakt 1.50

Hey there, I’m experiencing the zoom issue now! Did you ever find a solution?

From the last version to the most recent they “enabled 200% zoom.” This looks like the culprit!

oops - I might have banged on at them to introduce this during AHFX testing for my 4k screen


as mentioned elsewhere, try the standalone first after an uninstall/reboot/install cycle, ideally on a temporarily large screen res if possible … see if that sorts the gremlin out


Unfortunately, it did not. But thank you for the idea!

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Hi guys
I have the Same problem since previous version and when I have updated to last digitakt firmware 1.5
Since then not possible to use, contacted electron and they never came up with a solution and were surprised about it

same set up so might be OS related which is the pain…
OSX 10.13.6
Ableton 11.1.5
Overbridge 2.5.1
Digitakt 1.50