Overbridge USB Communication Issue

Hi all, I just did a fresh installation of Ableton and Overbridge for my Rytm on OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan but keep running into the following error message:
“We have communication problems with the machine. You may need to re-plug the Overbridge USB-cable”

I’ve tried replugging it on different ports directly on my Mac but this error message still comes up. Although I can hear sounds from the Rytm over USB, none of the controls on Overbridge seem to do anything.

Has anyone else encountered this before or any ideas how to fix it?

Is Overbridge mode enabled on the Rytm itself?

Ya, the Rytm is set to Overbridge mode

I’m experiencing this issue too. Also using Ableton (9.6), Yosemite + Apogee Quartet for output.

Are you using the AU or VST?

Hrmm…I was using the VST. I rebooted everything (which i’d already done a few times), switched to the AU, changed the input to just the Rytm mains in the Overbridge channel config, and to 16 bit…now it works fine. Switched back to my original settings (24 bit, 6 inputs, VST) and that works fine now too.