Overbridge & USB Host Controller & Mac

After heavy research I guess the issues with dropouts & sync has to do with my older imac End 2015.
It is sharing one USB Host Controller. So no matter if I use the “individual” USB (3.0) outs or a USB Hub (MTT) there is no difference.

Wanna multitrack DT&DN all Channels and inputs and sometimes it works for an hour…sometimes not. They loose the tight sync or audio connection gets lost completly. I need to use low latency in Ableton 128 Samples.

It seems the USB 3.0. isn`t really USB 3.0 but just USB 2.0. I do not know it exacly.

The only option would be using thunderbolt 2? So I could bypass the one USB Host Controller that the mac offers. Adapter to USB 3.0 are far too expensive…any idea?
But I guess I need another machine. Did not think it is that critical but there seems to be no workaround.

How is a new machine cheaper than a T2->USB3.0 adaptor?

Of course not but 161€ for a cable and negative valuations of it makes me hestitate. Are you using T2->USB3.0 adaptor? Which?

Or is T2->USB C possible?

I’m not; sorry I can’t help on that issue.

I’d be very surprised if the USB3.0 ports were actually USB2.0. According to the Elektron website, the DT has a USB2.0 port, so that’ll be the bottleneck, not the iMac’s USB3.0 port.

USB-C is just a port+cable definition, it’s not the data transfer protocol. You can have USB2.x, USB3.x, USB4.x, and TB3 all go over a USB-C connection (in theory, and not all at the same time). So the port type is not the solution you need… (You might end up with a data rate solution which uses the C-type port, but focusing on the port will distract you).

All the TB hubs are more expensive. They’re much higher specification than their same-generation USB “siblings”, and with smaller market share. One of the advantages of TB over USB is that the specification has much stronger guarantees for data and power transfer… Manufacturers can make “USBX.Y compliant” adaptors and cables which barely scrape the quality level needed to transfer data at the stated rate. TB manufacturers are bound by the specification to guarantee certain things, so the hardware designs and manufacturing quality have to be better… hence the cost.

Have you actually tried an MTT hub? Did it not work? I’d get the Elektron Overhub one (or try to borrow one)… it was specifically designed to help with this situation.

You can get audio I/o devices with more concurrent channels than even two or three Overbridge devices have. You can aggregate these devices (in macOS) with good results. The weakest link is much more likely to be Overbridge itself (or the Elektron hardware) than the USB ports on your iMac. (sorry to say… I love my Elektron boxes, but Overbridge has fairly mixed reviews).

Apple Specifications tell 4 USB 3.0. Ports compatible with USB 2.0.

I read it in another post that overhub just worked as a USB 2.0. Hub using the USB 2.0. cable. I am also surprised by that…

I just ordered Overhub so I hope that helps…I am using another MTT Hub so far that makes no issues except overbridge. Even 18 Track Multirecording with an external Audiointerface & ADAT. No issues.

Besides using 14 USB Ports for Midi Controllers & Synth. Mostly just midi stuff…but I can reduce some…

Yes its possible that Overbridge itself is the issue. The main advantage is the tight clock as it compensates the latency in ableton really well. EDM-Multi Clock could be a replacer…but all the individual outs are so comfortable.

So lets see how it works with overhub…thanks man!

I think this points to Overbridge as the problem, not the USB ports.

Good luck!

Thanks…I will report the result…

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So just tested my setup with Overhub and yeah its exactly the same issue as before. DT or DN is loosing sync sporadically.
Overhub is going back to the store now and I am going for the rme-multiclock.
Perhaps I will use Overbridge as aggregated device and total recall seperate sometimes. But not the buggy plugins in my setup…

So goodbye overbridge…it took me weeks of testing and frustrations…its not working for me.

Hi, I’ve been having this same problem and found your thread. I’m using a mid 2014 MBP. As I understand it from your posts you concluded that the problem was Overbridge. I’ve been trying to use my DT in MIDI+Audio and still the audio drops out, the device connection becomes intermittent, especially under heavy CPU usage, but this is just a lazy observation. As you mentioned, sometimes it works for a while but the starts acting up. Did you ever find a solution or did you just give up on the whole thing, did you try the T2->USB3 adapter? I’m wondering if a newer machine is the solution.

in my opinion its the CPU at the Digis itself that causes the drops. I bought the RME multiclock…now I have a solid timing, but just using the main outs.