Overbridge@WIN10 is just fine!


I decide to switch from late 2013 Macbook Pro with I7 to a desktop PC with Win10 as OS.
It was a pain in the … to migrate everything back to a windows machine.
But it was also pain how OB perform on my macbook, to be fair overall audio performance was bad.
If I reach more as 40% on Lives CPU usage meter I got a lot of crackles/pops and timing issues, even before but more randomly and not so often. In the end not nice to work with. I try different audio interfaces also, same problems.
I google a lot and found this is maybe due to the heat management from Apple that is necessary related to the slim design from the macbook. Keywords here are Cpu throtteling and Intels Speedstep.
You are able to switch that off over console ,for sure to your on risk.

I build a customize windows PC for 1100 euros that reach on benchmark test Geekbench 18500 points. For comparison fastest imac reach round about 17500pts. 8core mac 20000pts. and 12core 21000pts.
Cost differences I don´t want to point it out because you all know that.
For sure it´s a more powerfull machine as my macbook but OB runs absolutely crackle free with a OB Vst latency around 22.5ms up to 85% cpu usage. Superb timing everything works very reliable, not only OB.
Different world, what I normally expect from Apple, and I feel very comfortable now with my setup.
Also C6 is running very fast I transfer 100samples in 3min without an error or interruption.

I guess heat management is also necessary for the new 2016er macbooks not so strong due to the skylake chips but under highload you will get it for sure. Pricetag is very high and you will never get the performance that is written on the spec. sheet over a long time period. Especially if you perform under hot conditions, club, summertime etc.

Summary never ever a Apple Computer again, it´s not worth the money and I claim a lot here about the OB performance and want to say, sorry ELEKTRON!!!

Best regards,


Yep, happy OB user on Win 10 as well.
I never owned any Apple device in my life and I never will.

Yes just switched from Mac also and working perfect on new PC with win10
Should have done it earlier

I have a PC laptop(Hp Elitebook8770w Windows 10) and must admit that my Elektron AR as sound card, works far better than my other preamp as a sound card (UAD Apollo). I can run high CPU thirsty plugins at up to 95% in Ableton with my AR, compared to a mere 65% with my Apollo. Although, I am not sure how my firewire Apollo compares with a Thunderbolt one.

I’ve got late 2013 retina macbook pro and have absolutely no problems with it, especially audio. Just saying :slight_smile:

I got also the Apollo Firewire, so far I know most Laptops has Firewire 400 but Apollo recommend 800.
Also have trouble with PCIe Firewire 400, switch to a 800 with TI Chipset works like a charm.

Which Processor do you have? I have the I7 4x2.0Ghz, not enough meat for Audio then throttling appears…
I tried OB also on Sierra due to solved USB stack, same issues:disappointed:

Same processor, yes. My audio interface is RME babyface. Rock solid, especially comparing to my experience with Windows computers.

I tried it with:
Thunderbolt:Zoom Tac-8
FireWire: Apollo/FocusriteSaphire26
USB: Xone4d
always same performance together with OB. Without OB it was a bit better but same issues if i go over CPU load 40%.

I am using a firewire 800 card, must be my chipset.