Owner of RYTM considering MD as a good pairing

I find the RYTM great for bass end, ncie filers and bass sounds, but the synthesized hats and snares aren’t too awesome in my opinion and often need to be supplemented by samples.

How are the sizzling top end sounds on the MD? I’m not particularly interested in the UW version. But Id like to know how people fee about the MDs ability to do hard and sizzling top end hats and FM percussion? My style of music tends towards the hard techno, industrial and power noise side of things.

I’m suspecting it will make a great pairing with the RYTM but it would be nice to hear current users opinions.

i hope i don’t spam this thread with offering 2 alternatives:

LXR and NORD Modular

as far as i can tell, the MD does it well but so does the LXR,
so maybe also worth of consideration?

the bigger nord modulars can have a very sizzling top end,
since they offer all kinds of shapers, distortions and what not
( but of course they are kinda hybrid regarding programming )
but still very cool machines…

Current Value used (and uses? Hey Tim, how is it? ) a lot

I do like the look of the XLR, is it easy to edit sounds and make good useful kits on?

honestly i don’t have one myself,
but know a very happy owner

but maybe those links and quote help.

from what i heard, i like the LXR sound quite a lot,
but of course the MD also has some advantages


Here a guy who built a LXR himself compares it to MD
(with audio example, but there are more / better? on YT) :

and finally this:
“I got an LXR recently and am really enjoying it. It’s very immediate but very deep at the same time. This first week I’ve been focusing on getting intimate with the interface and sequencer before I delve heavily into synthesis, and it’s very quick to set up complex patterns and polyrhythms using even just 16 steps (you can chain 8x16) by using the step probability and track length, two features which the machinedrum lacks. Overall the whole thing feels logical and easy to navigate, and even the shift/alt functions can be picked up and memorised within a couple of hours. The only machinedrum features I imagine I’ll find myself lusting after are more voices (16 vs the LXR’s 8), more parameter locks (LXR functions the same but is limited to 2 parameters per step rather than 12), and of course the real time audio mangling possibilities of the UW. Bit of a catch-22 though, because if I upgrade to a Machinedrum I’ll definitely find myself missing step probability and per-track sequence length. So it goes. Overall verdict: you said it, poor man’s machinedrum. Still tons better than a fucking Electribe.”

hope this helps to decide

It’s easy enough, probably easier than the MD.
I have owned the LXR and its great, but i never really got any amazing hats out of it. The alternative firmware available has a “Random” option for each synth voice and it provides a lot of nice sounds.

my 2 cents

Buying a machinedrum in order to do top end highhats and a little FM is proberbly the equivalent of buying a high end pc to play minecraft, having said that…

You may well end up (if you dont mind throwing your analog sounds through converters) routing the rytm into the md in order to mangle the rytms highhats even further. With the current prices being what they are, you might as well get an md and see if it can do what you are hoping it can achieve.

Good luck

Money is not really an issue, Im more intersted in eas of use and live tweakability of hats and FM sounds really.

I guess I just have to bite the bullet and see for myself…

I own a lxr and honestly i find it very tedious to build kits with only 4 encoders. Maybe this Bastl 60 knobs thing could help.
Also the patern chaining is a bit too complex for my taste…

I had the same dilemma and the Nord Modular replaced the Machinedrum.

Sometime i miss the Machinedrum, mostly the crtrl all machine for inspiration though …

here from the german sequencer forum, a member says,
you can throw in different OS and you can have very
nice randome made patterns and some fx and loop live tricks (?)

OWL hatte ich auch etwas ausprobiert, ist schon geil mit der Zufall- Pattern-Befüllung, der Zufall-Pattern-plus-Instrumente-Funktion. Du drehst am Poti und hast danach ein vollkommen neuen Track. Irre! Auch ein paar Effekte hat @egnouf hinzugefügt und ein paar Loop Live Tricks. Total geil. Momentan bin ich aber auf der Brendan Clarke Firmware wegen der unterschiedlichen Tracklängen/geschwindigkeiten…

You’ll love the MD - and yes it will jingle just fine in the top end.

Recieved my MD UW mk2 yesterday price drop made it too attractive to not buy… lots of tinkering will occur on the weekend I feel :slight_smile:

Anyone got good tips for using the FM machines for tuned percussion?

Just use your ears and plock each step (sorry, not really a good tip).

Glad you did :+1:
I to couldn’t resist and I love it !
Have you checked Tarekith’s compilation of EU tips and tricks ?
Within there’s a mention of “Shifty’s MD Tuning Reference tables”
Didn’t find the document in the Files section of this forum, but maybe someone still has it ? Old 'Nauts, do you ?
BTW there are plenty of MD-related documents in the Files section…

MD FM (and other synths) can produce loads of industrial percussions (read: synthetic impacts snare type sounds) and drones, basses and what else.
I love mine and keep it foreva. Hope this help

Yes Ive been really enjoying this feature.

Though the feature Ive been enjoying most is the live recording on the ram machines. SOOOOO much easier to use than the octatrack, plug in a mic hit a record trig and what fun ensues :slight_smile:

I recommend this for starters.

I’ve had my best luck creating kits from a single FM machine spread across the 16 trigs at different pitches you like. Try playing them like a keyboard. Once you’ve got an idea you like, you can always program it to use fewer machines using pitch plocks.

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Here’s one I made a while back: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9b198qs7ezke73l/MD-Pitch-Chart.pdf?dl=0