Oxi One Hardware Sequencer

So far all the prototypes we have have been assembled by us. The idea for mass production is to also assemble everything ourselves. We are looking to externalize the process but it’s too risky and scary :open_mouth: Not sure if we are going to find a good partner for that.
That’s why we are limiting the units of the campaign. We will create the infrastructure needed for the first time, so we want to play it safe and not to be greedy (we still may not sell out).

OXI One is relatively simple to assemble and it was designed for that purpose.

We have met some obstacles and will meet more for sure. It was risky before because we didn’t have the funds we have now, and now it’s even more risky because we have it from so many people around the world. However, we wouldn’t be asking for funding if OXI One wasn’t ready for production as it is today, both hardware and software level.

Many many thanks!


My 2c … the control button panel on the left hand side should lose the words and instead use symbols/icons broadly related to their use category.

Reason: Oxi looks like it wants to build-in future features, and needs to refine the current workflow. The current words on the prototype are destined to be restrictive and confusing as good workflow and features find a new process in better key combos.

It’s easier for your brain to adapt to a broad versatile symbol than a more specific word that is not clear, or other words on other keys look like they might be an equally good choice.

also, these guys learned a good lesson post launch about the value of having 128 buttons at your disposal that can be used as a shift combo

‘everybody’ wants at least the ability to QWERTY type-in the name of their masterpieces! :grinning:

plus, I’d add that a button might be dedicated to ‘info’ -
press it and any other key and the screen will tell you what that key can do on its own or in combo with other keys.


I just read about the OXI One today by chance in this thread, and, I have to say, congratulations ! You had me at “performance sequencer” and the One offers features I can only dream about, using the Deluge (which in its own right is a very good machine, don’t get me wrong). But, tadaa, I watched Loopops video and whaddaya know, I suddenly find myself a backer… yaaaay :smiley: I wish you all the best for the whole production process and can’t wait to play the One, one day !

Oh, and while I’m here - will it be possible to have the One listen to / apply incoming program changes and switch projects & songs accordingly (with pch & bank msg) ? And does the One work as a Midi slave to my Deluge or does it have to be master ?


Interesting. We’ve been also told the opposite. Symbols can be non intuitive.

The great thing about OXI One is that its sequencers are… modular?
So including new modes that we are baking is just adding an option to the current 4 modes and bam, you have a new layout. The actions inside each mode are very similar related to the function buttons. Step-Chord is where we put all the extra step parameters depending on the mode. The rest are pretty much standard for any mode we could add since we are just sequencing, not creating sounds on top.

It’s debatable of course. It may change for release, as well. But currently what we have planned for a year after release fits in the layout.

Please take your suggestion to our forum! you can copy/paste :wink:

Edit: The forum OXI Instruments Forum


Congrats for the campaign success!

I’d agree with the icon approach. After watching Loopop video it feels there’s some work still to be done regarding usability and the icons approach will help you with that.

Also, since the first time I saw the Oxi One there’s something off about the left part button layout that is messing with my designer’s eye. It’s the combination of 3 different alignment layouts (first and last column, 3 inner columns, last transport row) and button sizes, plus color combination and typography, that’s making me cringe everytime I looked at that side.

I’m not sure if it’s too late for this at this point, but I’d definitely suggest going to a professional designer and have the left side redesigned, as well as the color palette used in the grid.

Just my 2 cents, but this has the potential to be a beautiful piece of gear (that case!) and it’s a pity is lacking those final touches!

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sure thing … i’ll also suggest the play button and the rec button shouldn’t have the stop button between them :grinning:

your plans make sense if the control panel buttons will largely remain just doing what they do and future variations will all be on the grid itself by way of selection.

Can the monome mode be switched to and from live (whilst the machine in playing)? eg can I run the sequencer functions and then switch to monome view to do things with a norns whilst is is also receiving the midi sequencer? Or does it require a machine restart to switch modes?

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if that thing gets the velocity sensitive pads it will be killer !

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Backed ! :love_you_gesture:


Symbols are a great idea … just remember the Egyptians … writing in symbols/pictures is something, which helps even crossing cultural barriers … :wink:

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Just saw that velocity sensitive pads is a stretch goal (though not what number that must be reached). Come on and back it everybody then it will become an amazing instrument


it is rumored to be at 500k…

Half way there folks :tongue:


1/3, to be precise, hot half yet


It’d be lower :upside_down_face:


I’m interested in this, too.

Sorry it went unanswered.

Not at the moment. Right now it requires a machine restart.
Using OXI as grid through USB + send MIDI though the same USB to Norns or anywhere else?
That’s not happening.

BUT, what may be possible is using the MIDI TRS, BLE and cvs at the same time that the USB connects to Norns.

Thanks Carlos.

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I’ve joined the party.

I just couldn’t bear that future feeling of regret as the Oxi develops.

Plus I want to sell mine on Reverb for $3000 next year.


Thank you so much. Step by the forum if you haven’t.

Please don’t do that people, I had enough seeing MI Beads at $2000.

Anyway a second batch won’t happen soon, so the people missing the campaign now may have to wait a year+ for another one.


Thanks Carlos! What about the button layout in the left side? Is that definitive or work in progress/to be improved?

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Well, we can’t remove buttons, and we could potentially add, but in detriment of the size of some of the existing ones. I know there’s some apparent misalignments, but ergonomics is the focus here. Same for the upside down labeling on the back, it kind of burns my eyes, but the usability (almost) always wins.

So, it’s not definitive if we see a clearly better solution, otherwise it’s pretty much settled.

Feel free to make a sketch :wink: