Oxi One Hardware Sequencer

The companion app will be able to store/transfer whole projects.

This is something we have in mind and we hope to have in near future.


Thanks for your quick reply :+1:

Great to hear this … because I would like to use the OXI as an OTB composition tool for creating pattern and pattern variations. But after the creative flow I would like to transfer all the MIDI to a DAW (like Ableton) to have an easier way to structure or rearrange the track.

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Completely understandable.

While not as smooth, you can still record on Ableton MIDI tracks coming from Oxi One.

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I know that this is possible … I have to do it all the time with my SEQ12, which is great for live performing, but has no option to export projects or pattern to a computer. Guess how much I love doing this :grimacing:

Maybe we are lucky and OXI or the companion app will support MIDI import/export in the near future. Would be a great asset.

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Why only a single pair of MIDI I/O? Can any of the other minijacks be repurposed as additional MIDI ports for better distribution of sequencer MIDI data? A single physical MIDI port is a deal-breaker for such an otherwise powerful sequencer, at least for my hardware-based workflow.

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There are 4 paths we could have taken: MIDI DIN or TRS, and one output or several.
Going with DIN would have made the instrument much bigger and heavy in both cases.
Going with many TRS outputs seems a bad choice since most of the hardware nowadays still relies on DIN sockets, so having say, 4 adapters, is a hassle.
We have decided to make Oxi as compact and portable as possible, and it definitely shows. For people like you with a large hardware based setup, we suggest to get an affordable MIDI hub, or use the MIDI Thru that many instruments have.

Still, the TRS output has enough power to use a splitter and connect two MIDI instruments without issues. We will include the DIN adapter in the box.

We know this may not please the whole spectrum, what really does? :slight_smile:


The problem is not getting the MIDI data routed - it’s the port bandwidth and jitter when trying to sequence multiple (possibly complex) parts and a stream of CCs and clock out a single port. MIDI hubs and thrus do not solve this problem, and that makes a complex and useful sequencer with a single MIDI port a non-starter for those looking to sequence only MIDI hardware.

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Hi, Nice point. Thank you for pointing it out.
The MIDI data sent by the TRS port (as well as by Bluetooth) is now being controlled by sw, non crucial messages like CCs are filtered in case of overload. This would work for most of the cases.
Anyway, as this question is not new for us, we consider doing a hardware rework as a campaign goal which consists of:

  • Adding a second MIDI output TRS port.
  • Doing the corresponding software rework adding the corresponding internal routing as well as upt to 32 channels.

Btw, adding USB OTG support is also in our sights.


A 2nd midi output port would be super!


Yeah its not a deal breaker for me, but the second output would be a godsend in certain scenarios.


It could be possible this way for the DAW to see two 16 channel MIDI devices so you could route 32 tracks to one MIDI channel each. Same for the trs outputs.

Let me emphasize again the “could”.

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I’ve been comfortably tasking all external sequencing needs in my studio to either my Mpc one or polyend tracker, and neither offer any more connections than the Oxi one. Actually, in this regard they both fall short of the Oxi one in considerable ways. (Mpc one = less cv/gate, no midi BLE) (tracker = usb midi is useless if using usb c port for power, no dedicated cv/gate io, no midi BLE)
Not knocking either very capable piece of gear, I love them both and only draw the comparison because they have been doing all my studios heavy lifting as far as sequencing goes, so a lot of my consideration for the Oxi one has been in the context of gains/losses over these two boxes. .
I figured it couldn’t hurt to share the thought process that has led to my inevitable excitement over the Oxi.
When considering the Oxi midi connections with the above in mind, I see it like this…

  1. With a 40$ addition of a midi 1in/4out box and some thoughtful midi routing to take advantage of midi thru where available, I’ve been able to run several external sound sources from the single midi out on Mpc or tracker, highly recommended for anyone with a lot of gear… Oxi one of course has a midi trs out so no loss there. (Par with both)

  2. Oxi one has an internal battery so I can actually use it’s usb midi with something other than a DAW. (+1 over tracker)

  3. Oxi has Midi BLE. I can’t stress enough how excited I am just for this. I see the capabilities and tools offered in the already vast world of iOS apps, but have largely ignored any benefits they might bring my workflow and overall creative process because I don’t want to play an iPad. Having a main sequencer that can wirelessly integrate my physical instruments with the endless ocean of tools and sounds via iOS apps is huge for me. (+1 billion over both)

So if I’m only looking at it from a midi connectivity standpoint, Oxi is already a win for me… and that’s without touching on its cv/gate io, internal routings, beautiful (and personally preferred) layout, potential for future Monome integration, or considering any of the clever approaches it takes towards sequencing and playability.

Am I drooling over the Oxi one, yes, but not without reason.


Does it have competition from the new circuit tracks that has been leaked several times now?

Seems like bad timing for another affordable sequencer to be released.

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32 channels over USB midi would make this pretty interesting… Stuff like the Nord Drum eats channels like candy, and USB eliminates a lot of the bandwidth concerns, if the implementation is tight enough.


Wouldn’t call it a “deal-breaker”, because most MIDI latency and timing problems are IMO not the cause of one MIDI output-port providing 16 MIDI-channels. It’s often the daisy-chaining of too many MIDI instruments, bad cables, or cables, which are too long.

My solution would be to use a MIDI-splitter, which will send all MIDI-data to the instruments in parallele.

The four MIDI-outports on my MPC X are most useful, if I work with multi-timbral MIDI gear like the Elektrons, which eat up more than 10 channels, or the Virus. I use typically one MIDI-out for a couple of single-timbral instruments, sent via a MIDI patch bay and splitters and have no problems with jitter or latency.

Nevertheless … a second MIDI-out would be great :smiley: :+1:

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Speak for yourself. For my situation, which is not what you describe, its a literal deal breaker, as in, I will not even look further at this sequencer regardless of what else it offers specifically because of this single MIDI port.

I have plenty of excellent high end MIDI routers and splitters. I write MIDI software. I know exactly what I’m doing with MIDI. And I know what I need in a sequencer. A single port won’t come close to cutting it. Two is ok for a basic sequencer. But the stuff I write works best with one port per part. Most of my synths are two to four part multitimbral anyway. That’s already a lot of traffic to a single destination. I often overload a MIDI port with just one of those synths and need to work around that already. So for me, a hardware sequencer with a single MIDI port is a complete non-starter.

You must have missed that I addressed this exact point already:

I stand by my point.


No reason to get upset … as you say … it’s a personal thing :wink:



We have received freshly stamped aluminum cases and knobs. Moving step by step to have full production right after the crowdfunding campaign so you won’t wait long to get yours.



Here’s an example of how CC motion recording behaves:

After recording the motion of the MIDI CC changes (done in OXI One), pressing the encoder button stops the motion and fixes the last CC value sent.
Turning the encoder again restarts the motion. Turning the encoder further, offsets the range of the motion accordingly.

This is a powerful way of not only creating movement in any DAW, hardware synth, modular synth or mobile apps, but being able to perform over that motion. Remember there’s up to 32 CC numbers that can be automated at the same time!

You can also hear Chord Strum in action.

The automation is happening on OXI One, not the DAW.


Alright y’all, after having spent a good deal of time researching, theory crafting, bugging an ever patient @CarlosUnch for more details, and generally obsessing over the Oxi one, I feel like my mental map of this thing is about as good as it can be without actually having one in front of me.

I typically do an absurd amount of research before making a new purchase and I feel it’s safe to say roughly the same about most of my fellow Elektronauts.

Rarely do I get the chance to do all that research before a product is available, and often my gas leads me to make the financial leap as soon as I’ve seen enough to know I won’t be disappointed.

It didn’t take long to realize that the Oxi will not only be the opposite of a disappointment, but the more I dig, the better it gets.

My thoughts as of now, for what it’s worth…

Regardless of what you’re aiming to achieve or how you prefer to achieve it, there seems to be a sequencer type perfectly suited for any needs. I’m having a hard time finding another sequencer, no matter how niche, who’s feature set will be safe once the Oxi hits the market.

Liked the power of your pyramid but wanted a better ui?

Liked the way ndlr made you feel like a chord wizard?

Enjoy the per step/p.lock nature of Elektron boxes?

Want more cv/gate/midi options than anything out there?

Want a layout that feels like the logical evolution of grid or deluge?

Want portability?

The list goes and goes, you get my point.

The modular gear enthusiast in me is buzzing… if you read the spec sheet in the mindset of “how many modules and hp will this one purchase replace in my system?”… You’ll get it.

Really, apply this thought process to your modular rig and get back to me once you’ve picked up the several pieces of your newly exploded brain.

The music theory/pianist part of my brain can’t wait to have access to the chord sequencers functions and the chord keyboard mode.

If you want to see what I’m so stoked about here, or took offense to my previous ndlr statement, you should watch this video from 22:30 and on…

The part of my brain that kept me on the fence with a complete overkill purchase of a deluge can finally shut up. I own plenty of samplers and synths but I’ll be damned if I haven’t almost purchased a deluge 10+ times just for that beautiful user interface and all those rgb pads… Though, I’m always one eloquent @circuitghost essay away from a purchase… so who knows how this deluge sub-plot will play out for me over the years.

I digress…

The Norns user in me rejoices at the monome compatibility of the Oxi. Not much explanation needed here, just imagine a monome grid with rgb and all the ways that pretty much every Norns script could benefit from having that extra level of organization (via rgb values on Oxi).

The dawless enthusiast in me just perked up again with that cc automation info a few posts up.

There have been 100 more ‘aha!’ moments that I’ll let you discover for yourself, as this is already very long.

I guess my point is this… I’m really fcking excited for all the doors that the Oxi one will open up in my setup, and every angle that I take to evaluate this thing… it just keeps impressing me more.

I’m equally excited for the inevitable coverage, reviews and overall frenzy that will ensue once the world is presented with this new sequencer.

Let me go on record nice and early in saying that this is going to be the best sequencer of 2021 and will set the bar for all sequencers to follow. A huge win for us music makers.

@CarlosUnch thank you for you’re endless patience with my onslaught of questions over the last few days. (Our pm chain has become its own little Oxi one thread and I couldn’t be more grateful for the time you’ve taken with me.) Though I’m afraid you’ve helped to create a wildly enthusiastic monster that at this point, can’t be contained :slightly_smiling_face:.