Oxi One Hardware Sequencer

Can the CC be named, so that an Instrument map could be created? I.e. CC 64 could be different for each external instrument?

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Yes. And they can be loaded in real time independently.


Think that there’s 4 encoders. You can’t have more than 4 CCs available without another action first.
We will try to make its change as easy as possible. On Multitrack we hope to add 4 CCs of the 4 first tracks and another page for the last 4 CCs. Think that automation is there for a reason.

CCs came late, recording automation even later, performing over recording automation just last week. Things change and evolve, but we won’t add anything now that goes against the current UI. We haven’t found anything that we couldn’t add software related though.


Maybe this is something we can add to the companion app!


Hi @CarlosUnch - Oxi One looks like fun… I just made my reservation!

Question: is there any concept of instrument definition so that I only have to map a drum machine once, for example?


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Hi Pete, the famous Pete.
Thanks a lot for your support :smiley:

I’m afraid not right now. Setting MIDI channels and base note/octave is really quick though.

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Each pattern slot saves the CC configuration (64 slots per project * up to 8 CCs, that’s a lot of CCs to save).

CCs are user assignable for each Sequencer type (4 or 8 CCs depending on mode)

CCs motion can be recorded, offseted, and toggled ON/OFF.
One LFO destination is CC number as well.

There’s per step params that modifies its behavior, plus LFO having note as a destination, based on scale.

Playback types are overrated in MY opinion. We have Forwards, Backwards, Pendulum and Random. There’s a ton of modifiers much more musical than playback types. We could add more if we find them interesting. Unless you go to cartesian sequencers (possible mode for the future…?; ) that this is where the fun is.


Ah, but aren’t they push encoders? So you could have one primary, and one when pushed for each? I was thinking that you’d hold a step, implicitly selecting both the track and step, and then you could set all 8 (4 regular and 4 pushed) encoders for that track+step.

And to be clear, this is me poking at the UI and stuff, not a complaint in any way. I know there’s a ton to balance to get a solid outcome.

Yes, I know is not a complaint. No one can complain for anything just yet, maybe in the future haha
We certainly hope not.

So, there’s no way of having more CCs per track in Multitrack mode now, maybe in the future? who knows. What you imply this way is that all 8 CCs in Multitrack would come out of the same MIDI channel, which may not be the case of use.
We have set all the CCs to be track dependent for MIDI routing purposes. You can still have more than one track/CC going to the same channel, but get the power to have different routings within the same mode. We find this to be more flexible.

Also, push is stop the CC for sending messages, not 0, but hold the last sent value. This is VERY useful when playing back the recorded motion, as you can make instant holds for values and continue the automation after that. I don’t think your idea will replace this one, but thanks for the suggestions so far.
Keep’em coming!


makes sense, thanks Carlos.

wait… I’m famous?

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Sure, makes sense. I guess to clarify my use case, I’ve got a drum module with eight voices, all CC-controlled, and having ~32+ CCs total across those voices would be ideal. In this case, they’re all on a single channel, but in other cases they might not be. Using all four sequencers just for CC automation for drums would be an option, but not a great one — ideally I’d be doing other stuff in the other sequencers.

And yeah, push to hold makes sense; I guess I was thinking the hold would be implicit if you hadn’t set a new value on the next step.

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So that wouldnt be possible with the hardware? Even short names, like FilCut ? Or FilRes? LFOM ?

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I am only discussing things that could be ready for the first batch, 1.0 version of the firmware.
Not that we couldn’t add it on the future, but we have a deadline now and a lot of work to do on many different aspects, not just software.

We have many ideas for future updates and we are definitely open for CC naming if we find a not cumbersome way to add it to the UI. I see it more as an option for the desktop app though.


I do understand your case of use, but please let me know if there’s any hardware that lets you motion record 32 CCs not being a DAW. Maybe I haven’t done research properly!

Your case of use is very specific, and something like this could mean to sacrifice other uses or features.

But hey, we may be able to add 4 CCs per track if we allow just to save 1 of them, so don’t give up your hopes just yet :slight_smile:


The desktop adds it to device - so the CC´s are visible when its disconnected? That sounds good - with that editing is a lot easier than from the device itself. And we could share instrument sets with other users. (This was also a heavy requested feature from Pyramid.)


Yes! That’d be the idea for implementation, also sharing, why not.

We thought of adding a QWERTY keyboard on the grid, wouldn’t be that fun? :smiley:
Live coding your sequences with a blind keyboard anyone?


@carlosunch - what is the “desktop app”… will it be on Mac too? iOS?

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I think the Midibox Seq v4+ can handle 256 CCs at once, if you use all 16 tracks. More realistically, you can I think have 48 CCs inside a single pattern (out of four) that’s also playing notes at the same time.

It hasn’t felt like the best designed UI otherwise, though, hence why I haven’t dived in.

MacOS for sure. iOS is thought to be developed but may have a different approach.


As for huge numbers of CCs, which can be operated at the same time …

IMO we should consider how many people will make use of it and what would be the practical benefit for the average user? Let’s keep in mind that every feature generates cost … somehow … and we have all to pay for it :wink:

Theoretically it’s a nice idea to have enough CCs to totally remote control any gear we have connected to a sequencer. But practically speaking … how many modulations do we really use and need on an every day basis?

IMO having a huge number of CC options would also require some kind of an adequate UI to provide visibility, editing, and administration, like we have in a DAW.