P-lock all trigs?

Just scanned the manual. Just to be sure, is there no way to p-lock all trigs on a track at once? For instance to nudge MIDI tracks a few micro-steps early to compensate for latency.

Don’t think so but you can possibly select multiple steps and do them all at the same time

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Grrr. What a pain! Especially for long patterns.

At least on Pyramid you can select all the notes on a page by holding just two of them. Never cared for Elektron’s solution.

Get a book or piece of wood and just hold them all down at once? :wink:


Hm? Then I certainly prefer the Elektron way as I very often want to hold multiple trigs, but not all, and set plocks to them.

You should be able to use one hand to hold down all trigs on a page. :slight_smile: Or do it per 8 trigs. 2 steps, not that bad…

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It would probably be better to handle midi latency globally anyways rather than plock every note in a track.

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This … is not a terrible idea.

My fingers are too clumsy. I always end up accidentally selecting/unselecting wrong trigs, or deleting one or two…

I would suggest saving first - func+copy - just in case sausage fingers spoil the fun. :slight_smile:


I use just 2 fingers to select the first 4 trigs on both the top and bottom row. Works well :slight_smile:

Sounds like a band aid…how is it that all trigs are out?