P-lock VSTs from Digitone


This might be obvious so forgive me for the silly question.
I want to sequence DAW VSTs from the sequencer of my Digitone.

I was able to map the parameter I want to sequence from the DAW (Ableton) to the Digitone, so when I move the knob on the Digitone the mapped parameter on the DAW fx moves. So far so good.

However, when I p-lock this knob in the Digitone sequencer, nothing happens on the DAW.

Am I missing something here?

Thank you

I did try to find info on the forum and in the manual to no avail.
Am I to believe I can’t plock vsts?

Parameter locks on the four synth tracks only apply to the internal synth engines on the Digitone. To control a VST with the sequencer you’ll need to use one of the four MIDI tracks. Press the MIDI key to access them. You can send up to eight MIDI CCs per track, and change the CC values with parameter locks and/or the MIDI LFOs.


I am using the midi tracks, I can in fact control the vst parameter with the digitone knob.
But when I plock this knob in the digitone midi sequencer, nothing happens in the daw…

I’ll have to investigate this tomorrow with my setup, to check it, but here’s what I think is going on:

There’s a difference between the MIDI sent out by the knobs on the Digitone, and the MIDI CC values that you can set in the pages of the MIDI tracks. The knob MIDI is not parameter lockable, but the assignable CCs are. Refer to pages 54-58 in the manual for how to set up MIDI track parameters.

So for example on the MIDI track Amp page (CC Select), set Sel 1 to, say, CC#6. Set your VST parameter to receive CC#6. Then on MIDI track Filter page (CC Value), you can set the value Val 1, parameter lock it, change it with the MIDI LFO, and the VST parameter should react accordingly.


this might be it! gonna try this afternoon thank you


I’m sorry but I cannot work this out. I read the manual. I still can’t figure it out.
At the moment I can map a knob from the Digitone to any VST parameter.

In this example, the CC value of the VST parameter seems to be 70 (see screenshot below).
In the AMP page I have set “CC1 Select = 70”.
I twist the knob on the Digitone and the parameter in the VST changes.
This happens regardless of what I do in the AMP page anyway. I can set IE “CC1 Select = 109” and I can still map the A knob to that parameter.

What I cannot do is use the sequencer and p-lock the knob I just mapped.
I put down my p-lock but nothing happens to the VST parameter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sure the sequenced midi track isn’t muted in any way?

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Simple setup sending 2 cc parameters from channel 1

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if I set encoder destination to internal nothing gets sent to the daw

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I can map the VST parameter no problem, it’s p-locking this knob that doesn’t work

And now where close to the solution.

Leave the encoder destination to internal
check midi param output set to CC for now, not NRPN
select a midi track
select src, hit FUNC and press encoder A to select a midi channel, say 1
select FLTR, hit FUNC and press all encoders one by one to get rid of the crosses
now set any midi CC controllable destination on ableton to learn and wiggle the knobs, you should get data.
if this works the PLocking would work to


I don’t own DN, but I assume it is similar to DT.

CC1 knob by default sends/receives CC#70, either via auto ch or track ch, depending on your settings.

I have knobs settings set to internal so that CC#70 is not sent, this allows only the CC value specified by AMP page settings to send via knob & plocks


Trying to “map the knobs” is the thing that’s tripping you up. As I said above, there is a difference between MIDI sent out from the knobs, and MIDI CC values that you set in the pages of the MIDI tracks.

If you follow @tubefund 's instructions I think you should be able to do what you’re trying to do.

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YES! thank you so much!!!


it was indeed tripping me up.
thank you so much fo your help guys
I love this forum