Pad stuck in mute mode

When in mute mode, it’s possible to turn on / off the OH pad once.
Then it just freezes and stops working.
In play mode I can still hit the pad and it works, only in scene mode it doesnt respond aswell.
I tried everything, + drive format, opening my device, cleaning it, factory reset, empty reset, test mode shows nothing…
I saw an old post and someone had this problem but resolved it with saving the project.
Not the case for me…
This is realy triggering me as I have to play a gig tomorrow… >_>

does the AR freeze or is it just the pad that won’t respond anymore and won’t allow you to exit scene mode?

might be worth getting in touch with HQ and see if they can help…although you might not get an answer back in time for your gig :expressionless: you could try to reinstall the firmware (if you haven’t done it already), see if that makes any difference

What do you mean with reinstall firmware? As in update?
Well yea… I did downgrade to a previous version and upgraded again to latest, its still the same.
no, its just the pad that won’t turn off or on again. After hitting it, it can turn off or on 1 time and is then stuck lit or dim.
It somehow glitched. I realy have no clue at all, it realy seems like such a rare to happen…
And the timing… oh the timing.

I already ticketed support, they’re on a holiday starting today over there.

is there anything else connected to the AR that might be sending MIDI messages to it?

Yeah my octatrack, but that cannot be the problem.
I use it all the time like that.
I double, triple quadruple checked.
And I unplugged aswel ofcourse :wink: