Pad/Vel Issues

Can the Pad/Vel menu settings be set globally? Or do I really have to set them for every T-1 through T-6 pad, every single time I create a new pattern?

I found that I have to set FIX to OFF and VDEP to 0 to get the most reliable response when hitting the pads, and even then I don’t get a response with every hit.

I purchased the M:C over other machines in part because of the velocity sensitive pads, to enjoy finger drumming. For me this seems to be impossible, and I’m wondering if my device is faulty, or if I made an incorrect assumption about the use of the pads.

I’m not in front of my M:C to test right now, but just a couple ideas:

  • Could you create a “template” pattern with the settings you want, and then copy it to new patterns? You could put it on, say, slot F16 out of the way so that it doesn’t get overwritten.
  • When you copy a sound from one pad to another, does it also copy the velocity settings? Similar to the pattern template, this might cut down kit setup time by 83% :wink:
  • This video explains a modification intended to solve this problem more permanently - I’ve been meaning to try it myself so I’d be curious to hear how it goes if you try it: Elektron Model:Samples sensitivity fix - YouTube

I just tried the second suggestion, copying and pasting a pattern with set Pad/Vel, and it worked. Good idea, thanks!

When it becomes a real issue is when you’re working within a pattern and create a track sound that deserves its own new pattern. I copy the track, paste to a new pattern, and that tracks Pad/Vel is great, but then I got to add other tracks and no sound when I hit the pads. It just disrupts the whole flow, throws me off and is irritating.

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I actually just sent mine off to Elektron to get this repaired. A couple of the pads had lost almost all velocity sensitivity, and the others weren’t too far behind.