Pads acting weird in scene/perf mode

Hi everybody,

just got an Analog Rytm yesterday to go with my A4. While I was playing with it and learning how to use the many options I noticed something.

The pads sometimes do crazy stuff when in scene or performance mode. (both when trying to activate a scene and editing)

For example, in performance edit mode when I hit BD1 suddenly RS3 gets selected.
Same thing happens with scenes sometimes. It’s quite unpredictable, like it doesn’t want you to select a pad and you have to select another one first to make it go away.

When selecting a scene to edit and then changing track to set some parameter locks, things can get real unpredictable and it makes this function almost unusable because of the apparent ‘randomness’.
I’ve even had the snare track stop making sound when doing something like this (it was not muted). And after a lot of pressing/selecting it came back again. Although this only happend once until now, I’ve got a feeling it had something to do with the above.

The pads work fine in trigger mode. So this is making me think most likely it is a firmware problem?

I’ve already tried updating the firmware again (1.30C) but didn’t make a difference.
Using the unit standalone right now, no MIDI cables or USB attatched.

Anyone also experienced this? Really hoping this is not a hardware problem :frowning:
Thanks for the help.

Sorry to say that I had the same issue and it was a hardware problem and the unit had to be replaced.

my worst fear…

Did you contact elektron directly for a new unit or did you go via the shop you got it? e.g. whats the fastest way… kind of need it.

I went back through the shop I bought it from and they just sent me a new one. But I guess it will depend on where you bought it.

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