Pads moving under chassis

Hey there,

I have just received my AR MKII and whilst unboxing I noticed that the pads shift a little under the chassis as if not tightened correctly.

Is that something to be expected or did I receive a faulty unit? I tried searching for threads with similar complaints but couldn’t find any.

Thank you very much in advance!

Do they work properly otherwise ?

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Mine does this day 1. It’s subtle, but I noticed it right away.

Along with a wobbly volume, track level and performance knob.

I had a hard time processing this, as this thing ain’t cheap, and I wasn’t expecting to encounter these issues.

All hard for me to accept, but I told myself it’s not broken, just some weak points in the design. I kept on with it, and I still have it. The pads and knobs work still. I think some ‘play’ in movement of the pads is okay.

I think and hope yours is going to be okay.

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They do work well as far as I can tell yes


I think what you’re describing is exactly how I fell so thank you for posting, makes me feel a little bit better!


This is “normal” for the RYTM. I put quotations because much like my OB6 with a wobbly filter cutoff pot - when you spend $1500-3000 on gear it should be absolutely solid.


“normal” will be very much good enough for me as I am very excited otherwise about what it can do! Appreciate the input