Pads rubber A.K.A. The Annoying Customer's Corner

Ok, I admit I’m a pain in the ass but:

do the pads in your AR feel all the same when you push them?
Let me explain: in performance mode, when I apply any increasing pressure, some pads are firm and sturdy and some other give the tactly feeling of “squeaky” rubber that make friction against their seat.

Is it an hardware assembly flaw?
Will I regret being early buyer?
Or am I a total psicopath?
(The feeling of Ableton Push pads is much better, they seem to be way more solid)

Let me know if it’s normal or (aaaarrggh) it’s just my instrument


most of my pads also felt really squeaky so I sent mine back to JRR for exchange. I was the first person to get their order fulfilled (early unit) so I thought I was just unlucky.

a few of the lower pads CP, BD got a bit softer (and felt better) but then they started becoming less sensitive, lighter hits stopped registering

Elektron offered to replace the pads but I rather just exercise the exchange policy and avoid any other issues.


pretty much bummed me out and haven’t made as much music lately (not a good excuse) but I just re-arranged everything without the AR and have gotten back in to it again.

I’m guessing i’ll have to wait a good month or two before they send me another one. blargh :frowning: early adopter woes


Holy sheez, it’s pretty horrible…

I love how the AR sounds but the pads are sh!t. Novation launch pad feels better then the AR. :thinking:

I agree … my maschine cost 1/4 of the price of the AR and the pads are 10 times more sensitive and responsive.

The AR pads seem to have two velocities - 10% and 100% - nothing in between. Very disappointing when you’re trying to get feeling in the drums.

They look pretty though. lol What a joke! I’m not happy at all with this.

The pads dont have a spongy bounce to them They feel stiff, there for not very responsive. I find myself useing the track buttons to trigger the sounds more and more. How could elektron mess this up? I’m a very loyal customer but this time I’m a bit disapointed with this piece of hardware.

I wonder whether it’s universal or only affecting some units (as I’d have expected to see more and earlier complaints if the former, but I might be wrong).

What’s it like when trying to modulate things for performance mode?

Yep, i agree with this. They feel like Push Pads which i also dont like. By the way is there any way to set the pads to max velocity or can this onlybe done with trig buttons?

The RYTM pads are harder than my Push pads… I like the Push pads myself.

I feel there is a normalization process that these pads could benefit from. pressure sensitivity can be programmatically smoothed. my guess is this will get better with time.

having two ARs the scone arrived with a faulty pad, and is in for repairs, it seems that it is the Achilles heel of the device. but cuckoo and cenk rock the pads.

Yep, i agree with this. They feel like Push Pads which i also dont like. By the way is there any way to set the pads to max velocity or can this onlybe done with trig buttons?[/quote]
Max Velocity can be set for the pads. Yes, it’s in the manual, somewhere the default velocity when pushing a pad is set… Can’t remember though…

I have the Pads set to Max Velocity and it works better, still a bit hard compared to MPC Pads, but I have a feeling that they are getting better. It might just be imagination or me getting better at playing them though.

Yeah, very stiff pads compared to standard pad controllers. Not too concerned about this as I sequence stuff mostly with my MPCs, but the current MIDI implementation makes this a bit awkward.

In full level mode (ie. setting velocity to volume to the Off position) I can still manage, and automate the track levels to set the dynamics… Might be nice to get a “fat pad upgrade” in the future, perhaps some 3rd party dev will pick up the ball (although not thrilled about opening an Elektron box up, guessing there’s an awful lot of small delicate parts inside?)

Watch some Youtube vids of people trying to perform parameter sweeps with pad pressure…and failing miserably.
So, that’s a finger-drumming fail and performance mode fail, wow.

[quote="" gigerbone""]

Watch some Youtube vids of people trying to perform parameter sweeps with pad pressure…and failing miserably.
So, that’s a finger-drumming fail and performance mode fail, wow.[/quote]
Do you own one? Personally i like the stiffness in Perf.-mode. But agree for the fingerdrumming problem.

I wanted to but stuff like those Youtube vids convinced me to keep hold of my money, I was seeing/hearing pretty much the same pad behaviour in everything I viewed.
It’s not just that, all machines fixed to specific drum types, only one filter to whip a sound in to shape with and so on but that’s for another thread…

Max Velocity can be set for the pads. Yes, it’s in the manual, somewhere the default velocity when pushing a pad is set… Can’t remember though…

What’s the point of using max velocity? The pad should be used for dynamic finger drumming, Now it looks like a glorified scene/mute trigger. That real-estate could of been used for sliders or something else instead of faulty pads. I’m seriously thinking of returning it. :disappointed: