Pads rubber A.K.A. The Annoying Customer's Corner

i’m not a crazy finger drummer BUT the analog rytm get my attention from the pads AND they are shit!
The only pads who got a nice velocity is the LT & OH not really helpfull…

i really hope they can change that by software in a (fast?) futur OS upgrade cuz right now it’s not playable at all.

but reading the forum here looks like i’m the only one who gives a f.


I give a F. This really bothers me. elektron must of known these pads where not performing properly before the release.

sorry i don’t get you (cuz my english is to bad)
do you mean Elektron tells us the pads will not be this good ?

I give a F. This really bothers me. elektron must of known these pads where not performing properly before the release. [/quote]
No. What I’m saying is the company must of know the problems the pads are having in terms of not being responsive yet still rushed the product into the market. To me shows a lack of quality control. Who knows? We waited a long time for the AR to be released, elektron probably tried to fix it but couldn’t get it right. Maybe it was too late and would of cost elektron too much money to change the pads. This is all speculation of course.

In the scope of things, we really didn’t wait long for the AR. They announced it and it was then shipping within a couple of months…until they fucked that up and it got delayed for a couple months. Same issue as the ak. It was definitely rushed. I don’t mind the pads, but they need more response. That said, I do have a ticket open as one of the rack screw threads broke off inside my machine when installing Into a stand.
Also have a ticket open for my AK due to quality control issues. Received responses on both issues from Hq and they told me to contact the US office. Contacted US office about a week ago and have not heard back.
Also, to add fuel to my fire, I ordered a large shirt (the black convention shirt) and they sent me an XL. I sent them an email and Cenk said he would ship out a large… It has not arrived yet. This was about 3 weeks ago.
I love elektron machines. They sound amazing and have taken me to new levels of musical expression… That aside, the current customer relation ethics and qc issues with the new machines are very very upsetting. If and when I hear back about my support tickets I hope it is positive… If they blow this off, I will be done with them. No matter how awesome the machines are, poor relationship with customers over faulty and quite costly machines is a deal breaker.

The AR absolutely, desperately needs a velocity curve setting for the pads. It is quite baffling that it is not here already. People hit the pads in different ways. I, for one, am a drummer, so when I hit pads, I put momentum and velocity in my hits. Which, on the AR, results in most of my hits being at 127 velocity. Sure, I could adapt my “playing” ( if you can call it that on pads that size), but somehow, it would seem to make more sense to adapt the machine’s response curve to my playing. Especially when going between Push, the AR and the Tempest. I’d like all machines to be tailored to my way of playing. It’s not too much to ask.

I also find the performance mode really awkward still, but I suspect that this is just going to take some more practicing on them.

Overall, I think the pads are ok, and as mentioned before, anyone serious about technical finger drumming will certainly own a better set of pads.

Cheers !

yes the pads are not as good as akai does them. kinda stiff.
for me its not a big problem as i dont do finger drumming and i usually program velocity.
a global setting for velocity curves would be a nicey, given the fact they are not best pads ever made. curious if they will soften after a while.
nothing to go wild imho, explore the machine folks :slight_smile:

Apologies for necroposting, but this thread was made in June and it’s almost November - Im curious to know if this is something that Elektron plans on updating in the near future?. I just recieved my RYTM today - it’s mind blowingly fun and I’ve been really enjoying it!, but I agree that the pads have been a buzzkill to use and lack responsiveness, often times I strike it too hard out of necesity and lose a large degree of expression via velocity.

Also I noticed that my RYTM was shipped with firmware version 1.02E, but only 1.02D is posted on the site, are there any notations as to what was changed between these two revisions?.

Mine also got 1.02E got it on Tuesday… And not a sign of it on the web :smiley:

I have been in the 1.02e camp for a month. What’s up with that? Am I in the future?

I agree with most people here,for Elektron to release a machine this expensive with pads that only register low or full velocity when drumming, is a very poor show , I find it a little bit antagonising tbh.

I’m not so bothered about finger drumming I like using accent and locks.

Performance mode not so much of a problem, but imagine trying to do a snare roll, that’s if you could record them in the first place.

I’m loving this machine , but as somebody else has said, the pads are a waste of space, which is a big issue as they have clearly focused on realtime performance modes.

I find it very cynical that they must of tried to get away with it.

I’d love it to be a fixable software thing, but I sense the contact sheet is to blame. I can’t see them doing a recall, so I guess it is up to a third party.

So much attention to quality and detail on this machine and then one of the most fundermental permanent feature is spoilt. Maybe they employed a Roland tech by mistake.

Well hopefully I can eat my hat, bc I just found a thread where Dataline suggests they are working on velocity curve implementation!

Can you link to this? I was looking for this.

any updates on this?

I’m on 1.02F, i’ll have a good look round later, but i wouldn’t know what was new from before as it’s my first OS ! They are firm to the point of non-triggering, but i only had a few minutes with it to check it worked

Whats the the texture of the of the QuNeo pads? Spongy or hard plastic like the AR? I’m interested in getting a QuNeo. Thanks

Thanks for the reply. I’m looking for something more like the tempest texture and responsiveness.

So, have opinions changed over time?

Do the pads break in, or is it still difficult to get velocity variation after a while?

Thanks for any input.

I personally have given up. And I put in most of my trigs via the pads in Live record, so I have beaten the hell out of them.

For Performance mode, they are fine.

I’m getting a Korg PadKontrol soon (Rytm + Korg PadKontrol).

it’s tricky to know if it’s familiarity or evolution, but they feel far less stiff than they originally did, i personally don’t have a huge issue with the velocity variation, it’s there, but probably not as refined as some would like (i think there is better impressions to be had by designing velocity timbral variation in), my biggest annoyance is that it’s impossible to drum faster with two fingers, it’s certainly easier on bigger pads, i get by by tapping the trig(fixed vol) and pad alternately ymmv, but i’ve moved on from it being a distraction