PAGE LED - what happened? EDIT: Now fixed, hardware issue sorted under warranty - happy days


so i have been away for some time but i recently got back and unboxed some gear, updated to 1.50

my page LED are now constantly lit - this is not how it was before i am quite , sure

actually i will expand: on TRK 1 page is RED, on 2,3,4 it is green, some led are lit on some TRK, all are lit on others

is there any way in the menu to unlight them because i never know what page i am working on, not sure who came up with the idea but it sucks for so many reasons.

what is with this colour coding and led arrangement? there seems to be no reason to it - i thought it was linked to TRK length but it seems not.

i hope i dont have buggy HW


1.51c is the latest version. I think there is a bug in 1.50 that messed up old projects Page settings. That might be what you’re seeing.


interesting, thanks:

this was clean project…: i will run the new FW and see


no - same story… 1.51c on mk2

unreal - page led does no visible scrolling like i am sure it supposed to and used to… my pages move and if REC is lit i see trigs but i have zero opportunity to know the actual page i am editing this is a massive …

here are some images if anyone can make sense… :frowning:

you can even see on bootup that 3 led are lit - i am sure that normal mode is if a 64/64 pattern then 3 are lit but dull and one is bright and when you page the bright one moves round the LED - on mine there is zero change, what ever is bright stays bright as the images show no matter how much i [press PAGE…F’ed up that one is red and the others green…

also if i mute all 4 TRK - the trk1 makes the page led yellow - all others make page led dark

TRK one is the RED T1 and 2,3,4 are green…

if nobody has ideas maybe it is time for warranty - :frowning:

Concerning the TRK LEDs: I think this is perfectly normal (at least on my mk1).

  • The selected track is either red or yellow (if muted).
  • All other tracks are either green or off (if muted).
    (With the exception for the FX track, this one will show the state of the latest selected synth track if you hit it once)

The page LEDs should always have one (and only one) brighter than the others.

If you hit func during startup, you should be able to test all LEDs and check for any potential hardware issue.

yes if trk is selected it goes red that is normal, but the only one that is ever making PAGE red is tRK1 - none of the others ever go less than green, also why would trk 1 make page go yellow and all others do not - also the page led 1:4 2:4 3:4 4: 4 all light up differently regardless of actual page length settings and they never change their state , doesnt matter if i have a 3 step pattern or 63… clearly an led fault, has to be

started ticket with them anyway as this is not right - pointless having page if you dont know what page is being edited

factory reset achieves nothing - just tried that, pleased to see that my data still exists after factory reset - phew i did that out of anger and forgot to dump …

pressed func on power up and did button test - always the led in page section seem incorrect - all 4 never light regardless what TRIG is pressed and held during test, all led on machine go red and green and blue but the page led always miss one or more out… bugger

i will update this journey for others to see and laugh at or reference in the future

today i turn it on and the PAGE led is white on TRK 1,2,4 and green on TRK3 rofl

all 4 led in page area lit on power cycle, i thought a miracle had happened but sadly not

still at least all 4 are now super bright 100% of the time and there is no distinction between tracks, or at least until tomorrow i imagine - i still have no idea what page is in edit state…

ticket with the guys in play, crossing my fingers for a SW fix because the behaviour is crazy and different from day to day

so to draw this to a close - i sent private videos to Elektron tech who then informed me parts were for sure defunkt, unit went off to them and they replaced led boards/sections and the switches of the PAGE function

all sorted now

Andertons were the vendor, they acted perfectly as did Elektron with honouring the end of the 3 year warranty

A4 mk2 is back at home and can make noise again :slight_smile:

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