Pair with A4: microbrute or minibrute?

Hello guys - if you have experience with using your A4 with either the Arturia mini or micro, could you please let me know which you prefer. I’m sure this question will help others too looking to decide.

They both seem very similar but I’m leaning toward the mini because of the after touch… but the micro could be great for the CV


…i don’t really see a sense in getting an aturia, if ypu got an a4…
shure, different esthetics, but there’s no real need to combine them…

bit if you’re falling in love with the idea, forget about aftertouch…a4 has so many options to modulate and interact in itself…
and the microbrute is the way more versatile gadget…
the seqencer alone…and the patch options…and the multi osc…

the mini is emerson lake and palmer…the micro is nizzer ebb…so to say…

Irrespective how good we all find the A4 you cannot beat knob per function which you mostly get with both, best consider a pair of micros as opposed to a mini as it’s near twice the price, the mini has more pro ‘wakeman’ features burt it lacks the seq and 5th on sub(like a4) and it is tuned slightly differently, the micro is a fantastic instrument and unbelievable value, but the digital side is buggy, arturia are slower than you could imagine
It’s nice to patch into the micro for sure but it’s no modular in terms of useful modulation destinations, but it does have a broad broad palette and the filter and oscillator are incredibly nuanced, really covers a lot of timbres, quite gnarly but undeniably fun, gets my vote on price, if the a4 was available as an A1 at quarter the price it would easily beat them both, but it ain’t and they are cheap and unique, I’m thinking of adding individual outs as can be seen from the video doing the rounds I’m gonna try midi out [url=“”]hack too