"Parameter lock" notes higher than C7?

Hello there,

Happy new year ! :partying_face:

I am a newby with Syntakt. When I “parameter lock” a trigs in Trig parameters page, I cannot set a note higher than C7 ! :rage:
It’s weird, because when I activate the keyboard mode I can enter notes higher than C7 without any problem. :astonished:

My workaround is to increase the tune offset of the machines, but I don’t really like doing that. :face_vomiting:

On all machines, the default value for a note is C5, and from what I understand the “paramater lock” can only add 24 semitones max. Is it possible to set a higher “default” note than C5 for a track?

Thank you.


I brought this up during testing. It’s a bit untidy imho but not exactly critical … it stems from there being a different approach to viable note ranges previously

Part of the workaround is the octave offset in the sound settings menu


Yes, digital tracks can go to G10, but analog tracks 9-12 are limited to C7.

Anyway, analog oscs have a more limited range, even with TUNE +24, or Octaves in Sound Setup.

Only on analog tracks. On digital tracks it goes up to +67 (G10).