Parameter locking in ableton

Is it possible to parameter lock on overbridge?

I can use the automation for instance to change the waveform on an oscillator but I can’t select a different track sound from ableton.

Is the parameter locking not possible to the same degree as with the actual unit yet?

good point, there doesn’t seem to be an intuitive way to perform sound locking via OB :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

…Unless we are missing something, of course?

you can P-Lock parameters in Live.

Live 9.1 introduced “Step-Automation”, with Push and it´s note sequencer you can P-Lock (aka Step-Automation, aka Step-Envelopes, aka Envelopes) any+unlimited parameter you have configured.

So if you have for ex. cofigured the OB´s “cut-off” parameter in Live´s plug-in window you can p-lock it in Live´s sequencer.

As mentioned in “dataline on Ob” you can step-automate the performence parameters too, that is not possible with the unit itself.

parameter locking can’t ever be the same off-unit as it is on unit because it’s relative on the unit and absolute externally
if you raise a value for a step on device, it blips for a single step
if you raise a value for a step length externally it lifts the value up
sound locking would only be achievable if there were a specific command which worked in the blip(associated with trig length) manner per above - I don’t see that coming, you can obviously cc lock most of a sound per ‘step’ but it won’t spring back to the underlying device patch (as on in box locking)
that’s why it’s so good : )

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what if you set up a keyboard split so that pitch corresponds to patch… then I’m assuming you could get a few splits in there and foe p-lock from patch to patch in ableton.ex: drum sounds.

In Ableton Live it is quite easy to setup modulation envelopes to mirror the action of Elektron parameter locks (i.e. change the value of a parameter from its existing value to a new value only for the length of a step and then return to original value) and it is not something that requires a Push.