Parameter locking the filter of an external synth

Hello folks,

I was wondering if it is possible to parameter lock the filter or any modulation of an external synth with the MIDI machine on the MD? Is anyone using the MD for this?

Yes, if the external synth allows MIDI Control Change messages to control the applicable parameters.

Yes, if the external synth allows MIDI Control Change messages to control the applicable parameters.[/quote]
To add to this
Not only that but you can also p lcok ccv value per step giving you more range with the # of cc values per midi machine you can alter. Kind of cool but will eat at your memory over time. You can also p lock program change message which actually seems more useful imo.
Annoying fact about this- the p lock in midi message works as a note on value. that means if you want the value to return to save point youll need to re-p lock that into md. Same with program change messgaes…This is easily avoided by savign your kit though (with a predetermined cc value based on whatever value/attribute youre thinking about).
Hope this helped :smiley:

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