Parameter locking when switching Scenes

Hello all,

I’m running a setup where my MD is triggering slices on the OT (track 5) by sending MIDI CC data.
The issue is that when track 5 is selected on the OT, the incoming MIDI CC data gets assigned to a scene whenever scene button A or B is pressed.

Don’t know if that description is clear, so here’s a little video showing my issue

I understand why this would happen, but it messes me up so often when jamming… If track 5 happens to be selected when I go to switch scenes, a certain slice gets locked to the currently active scene. This causes my drum loop to stop.

Any advice on how to get around this behaviour of the OT?

Yes this is annoying, no workaround apart stopping incoming CCs when you plock scenes or trigs.

Oof, that’s really to bad…

thanks for your response sezare!

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But :

Btw @LyingDalai @avantronica
Maybe this should be moved in above thread or else.
Not specifically a midi loopback problem btw…

good idea! i edited the my thread subject and omitted the word “loopback” and included a small disclamer on top stating it doesn’t only apply to my specific use case of “midi loopback” but it applies to the scenarios where OT receives CC from any device as well😅