Parameter sweeps

Has been discussed with other elektron machines before but curious how DN users approach this.

Trying to record butter smooth PLock sweeps in live recording mode results in audible steps and feels chopped up sometimes since the device is still a step sequencer and fiddling for example with cutoff for 64 steps results in some steps not registering as plocked and othes having audible value gaps in between.

Is everybody using slow moving LFOs and live wiggling here?

I usually perform those, not everything needs to be sequenced. But maybe a single lfo cycle with some fade in might do it?

So there’s no magic tricks there, guess I’ll go with live tweaking as well. thanks for the reply

Yeah plocking is always going to step without glide, so probably best just to use LFO or envelope.

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Note that you can plock LFO to adjust it to your needs.