Parameters: Track VS Pattern VS Project

It’s pretty clear which parameters are stored with a track (pitch, decay, etc)

It’s not clear to me in every case which of the remaining parameters are saved against the pattern and which are saved against the project … though I’m guessing most of the ‘config’ (wrench/spanner button) is per project and possibly everything else is per pattern (reverb size, delay time … ) ?

Is that a good rule of thumb, or is there a reference somewhere ?

Page 15 of the manual gives an overview of what is stored in Projects, Patterns, and Presets.

Page 24 of the manual gives a lot of information about what is stored in a Pattern.

Project-level settings are what is set in the CONFIG menu (apart from the PATTERN and PROJECT managers): manual, pages 42-47.


Ah that’s the detail I missed, thank you. (I previously found page 15 and thought it was a bit vague).