Passage an Album by Tchu

I’m very proud to let you discover my first bandcamp Album. Some words to describe it : Cinematic, Ambient, Distortion, Noise, Glitch, Beatless and beautiful Sounds.

I’ve also made the Mixed Album of the Tracks but I couldn’t upload it on bandcamp (the file is too large).

If you want the total experience, put your headphones on and listen to the Mixed Album from Soundcloud. Thanks for listening. Enjoy the ride.


Nice one! I previewed a couple of tracks on my phone (it’s late here) and it was an insta-purchase. I’m looking forward to hearing it properly on some decent headphones tomorrow :yellow_heart:

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Wow! Thank you very much @craig. I didn’t expect a fast response like this. I really appreciate it. If you want the Mixed Album, I can send it to you. :brown_heart:


Great soundscapes. Love the tones. Like Craig, not much time tonight but insta-bought aswell…

Looking forward to immerse myself more with the sound system later on…

Wouldnt mind the mixed version either :wink:

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Thanks a lot @nIdaL, I really appreciate the support. It’s nice to hear from you Canadian fellow.

For sure. I’ll store it on a Drive and send you the link.

Nice! also, I just realised that your user icon isn’t the cover of Gary Numans “Splintered” album :flushed:
cute kid!

Screen Shot 2021-12-23 at 4.04.46 pm


Thank god for the double S. :wink:

Will listen to the album properly later today. Congrats on the release!


Purchased! Can’t wait to hear the full album tonight! :tropical_drink:

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The first track already convinced me to buy the whole thing – after coffee though – sounds amazing!!

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Would love to hear more about what synths, plugins you used … this is easily my most favourite album in 2021

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Halfway through track two and I’m blubbing mate.



Beautiful distortion on “Testing the Limits”, lovely stuff. Purchased on the strength of that alone. Looking forward to listening to this properly on my monitors when I get a chance.

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Congratulations on the release! Stoked to hear that you’re not only about making amazing “Current Sounds”. Insta-buy for me too (on strength of “Current Sounds” thread oeuvre.) Looking forward to a proper haedphones listen this evening.

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I just woke up and read all the good comments from you boys and girls. I didn’t expect that much support. What a great way to start a day and finish a year. A big Thanks to all of you.

I never saw this cover before. The kid is my daughter with her irresistible look.


Thank you very much @korpinen.

I’m honored, thank you very much @Floppydisk_Pirates.

My humble Wow to you @PekeDorty. Thanks a lot. I will add a description of the process and the gear involved in the making of this Album.

I had to search ‘‘blubbing’’. What a nice compliment from you @Fin25. Thanks a lot.

The OTO Machines BOUM was involved on that Track. I really appreciate the support, thank you very much @spikysimon.

My humble Wow again. Thank you very much for the support @igtheflig.


Listening while at work, sounds great, insta buy, congrats and keep up the great work! :boom:

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Will listen to the full soundcloud upload on my evening walk after diner.

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This is absolutely fantastic! I can’t wait to listen to this while coding. Thank you for taking the time to craft an album. :pray::pray:

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Please do not feed my GAS :laughing:

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Thanks a lot @selfup. It was a pleasure to produce.

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Bloody great man. So pleased I saw this thread. Purchased! Nice work :slight_smile:

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