Passing Aftertouch/Pressure Through DN into Rev2 via LPP

the setup is LPPmk3 midi > DN midi out > Prophet Rev2. the rev2 has a “pressure” modulation parameter that seems to respond to aftertouch midi. I like to play all of my chords and melodies on the launchpad pro mk3 like one typically does with a midi keyboard and record that into the 4 midi tracks of the digitone for sequencing. i have the midi out going to my prophet rev2. The problem here is that for some reason, the digitone does not pass Aftertouch information onto to the external gear that it’s sequencing. you have to use the digitone’s internal AT knob parameter and p lock it in the sequence. that is not the same as using pressure as an expression tool. It’s possible, i guess, but far from ideal.

is there a way to use my pressure sensitive launchpad to play and sequence my rev2 via the digitone while retaining the pressure information that should be going from the launchpad’s aftertouch and into the rev2’s pressure modulation destinations? i feel like there’s a solution im not considering. or maybe it’s just the way im routing it. could this potentially be fixed by using midi thru from digitone instead of the outs while still using the midi tracks for sequencing? would i need a midi merger? i want to avoid sequencing with the launchpad itself or ableton, because the reason i bought the digitone for a second time is that i prefer it’s sequencer.

i also have an octatrack, a norns, and one midi merger that’s currently combining the norns midi out and the launchpad’s midi out and going into the octatrack, out of the digitone, thru the rytm mk1 and ultimately ends up going into the prophet rev2. i have the ability to send midi in and out of ableton via the scarlett 4i4 interface. i can pass midi thru the norns (fates) via usb or usb to din midi. is there something i’m missing here? am i convoluting my setup unnecessarily? i can route the launchpad straight to the rev2, or even keep it going through the octa and into the rev2 if i use thru port of dn instead of out port, but im pretty sure that will disable midi sequencing from the digitone. maybe not though, im not sure i tried it yet. if there is a way to record the aftertouch information, i’d love to know.


thru will still pass midi from the 4 dn midi seq tracks?

i just saw the other thread where someone had this exact issue, except with the digitone keys. are you suggesting that i route thru + out into a midi merger or just through will send both the seq info and aftertouch from my controller? still wont sequence it i guess, but its better than the current situation

I’d me more concerned that the DN isn’t recording the aftertouch.

Does the LPP have MIDI Thru? You’re treating the LPP as a master keyboard. If I were using a master keyboard I would set it up like this:

keys OUT -> DN IN
DN OUT -> keys IN
keys THRU -> synth IN

Where I wrote “keys”, you would use the LPP. I’m doing this with my OT, Rev2 keyboard model + another synth.

Of course, the LPP might not have THRU… :wink:


i was just considering this. i assume thru from the launchpad would be the only way to avoid some kind of weird midi loopback? i’ll give it a shot, thanks

does your digitone record aftertouch on midi tracks? i thought it was just not possible

ah yes! according to the internet, midi port 2 on LPP mk3 can be used as a thru! thanks a lot. i would like to know if anyone is successfully getting aftertouch recorded in the dn midi tracks though

You’re right, neither Digitone nor Keys records aftertouch (also, pitch bend and mod-wheel).

Edit: the keyboard of the Keys sends live AT, PB, MW to external devices.

So this Merge of Thru and Out of Digitone would be in aid of being able to pass through these performance controls to the Rev2 live (like the Keys does natively).

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Excellent! GAS completely cured! :smiley:

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i’m still trying to wrap my head around this. now i have:

LPP OUT 1 -> (midi merger) -> OCTA IN
LPP OUT2 (Thru) -> REV2 IN

but it seems to be pretty close to the same setup as just running the midi straight out from the DN -> the REV2.

I still have to set the LPP to send midi to channel 10 (DN) and the DN Midi tracks are sending midi to channel 14 (REV2). You can switch between using OUT2 on the LPP to “Output 2” OR “Thru”. so when i switch it to “OUTPUT 2” and send midi to channel 14 (REV2), it duplicates Output 1 and from there, i can play the REV2 with aftertouch straight from the LPP. but I don’t see where this loopback from the DN fits into that. It doesn’t affect the DN at that point, because it’s going straight through to the REV2. It is a little more convenient now though to switch between them, so i appreciate the tip.

I was hoping i could somehow have the midi pass through DN from LPP into REV2 so that when i play, the aftertouch will have an effect, but also I can record midi data from LPP into the digitone. I tried a bunch of different configurations of routing midi through the midi tracks on the OT through different midi channels, according to my synths, switching midi channels on the LPP while changing the Thru & Out2 settings, changing the Rev2 & Dn’s midi channels. but it will still only let me do one at a time.

Maybe it isn’t possible, and maybe it’s pointless, but I am having a really hard time figuring out what exactly is being sent when i have midi out from DN going into midi in on the LPP and then THRU to the REV2. like maybe I can send midi out from the DN, into the REV2, then thru the REV2 back to the LPP, then have that LPP THRU go to the DN in? or would that be the same as what i’m doing now? i think merging the DN thru & outs would create problems, but is it possible to make the rev2 and the DN the same midi channel so the LPP can transmit midi to both at once via the thru signal?

I think i should probably give up before i get a headache but if anyone has any other ideas or clarification, It would be appreciated

Reading your original post:

  1. The DN does not record aftertouch
  2. If the LPP is connected to the DN and you want to send both MIDI sequence data from the DN to the Rev2 AND you want to be able to play the Rev2 from the LPP expressively (or at all through the DN)

Then you need to:

  1. Connect the LPP MIDI OUT to the MIDI IN of the DN
  2. Connect the MIDI OUT and MIDI THRU of the DN into the merger
  3. Connect the merger to the Rev2

If you have other gear down the line you could use a THRU port out of the Rev2 to pass along the rest of the MIDI data.


i see, that makes sense. thanks

That would cause the Rev2 to receive all note messages twice, you need a way to filter that.

MIDI from the LPP goes out the THRU port only. MIDI from the DN goes out the OUT port only.

There would be no doubling of MIDI. Just two sources for triggering notes.

Which is triggered by the LPP, giving double note messages.

I believe that’s only the case when sending to the auto-channel?

No, midi tracks are also triggered by notes to the channel selected in settings.
Any note to a midi track will in turn send out notes for that track.

You might get around this limitation by setting the Rev2, the Digitone MIDI Track input and the Digitone auto channel to different channels.
The Rev2 would need to be on a channel that isn’t used by the Digitone at all.
Then switch channels on the LPP according to where you want to send the notes.

I just pulled out my SH01A and Keystep. I set MIDI Track 1 to CH.16 in both the MIDI Channels setup and on the SYN1 page. I set the SH01A to CH.16. I merged the OUT and THRU port and there is no doubling. I can program a sequence and have it play the 101 as well as use the Keystep to play through it. I tested in both mono and poly mode on the 101. No issues whatsoever.

The only thing you need the auto-channel for in this scenario is for programming the trigs on the DN. If I hold a trig and send a note from the Keystep, it will only record that note when sent to the auto-channel.

Edit: I even took this a step further and ran output two of the merger into a MIDI monitor. There isn’t any doubling going on.

If you send notes to CH16 in your setup, you will get double notes on CH16 on the output of the merger.
The auto channel is set differently, obviously that won’t produce doubles(still doubles, but not on the same channel). But the SH01A won’t react to modulation on that channel, which is what this is all about, aftertouch.

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Literally just tested this with a MIDI monitor and there’s no doubling of notes. PB and MW work just fine as well. SH01A doesn’t support AT so I can’t check that specific scenario.

Edit: I see it now. Was monitoring the auto-channel setup which doesn’t double but doesn’t pass PB/MW. Sending to ch.16 was doubling notes.

Input and output of Digitone and SH01A all set to the same channel?
If that doesn’t produce doubles on the merger output it either filters, or something isn’t right.

And sending to auto channel should produce a note with auto channel and one with channel 16.

Saw your edit:
That’s why I suggested the work-around with different channels.