Patch librarian where you can edit tags

Just checking out the Digitone now. First thing for me is always to delete any sounds I’m not going to use, which is lots. Second thing is to tag things in a way that makes sense to me, but this takes soooooo long.

Is there a software librarian which lets you edit tags?

I really wish the sound manager allowed you to preview the sounds via midi, not just with the interface. Some sounds only make sense an octave up or down. . .

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Overbridge standalone

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I’d be amazed if it didn’t work when the controller was set to the DN’s Auto Channel. To preview sounds in different octaves on a DN alone, just, iirc, hold the eight-notes(ARP) button and up or down arrow to change octave

I preview the sounds in the sounds manager using MIDI controller all the time

I tried Overbridge plug-in and can see tags, but not edit them.
I didn’t even realize there was an Overbridge standalone - so thanks for the info, I will try that!

I’m going to try setting the Auto Channel, that would be really helpful. I do swap octaves using the arrow buttons all the time, but it gets tiresome. Hopefully the Auto Channel is the thing I was missing.

Yeah, a proper tag edit is the key with a programmable synth, otherwise you’re easily lost in hundreds of presets. U-He or Pigments have great tagging systems (especially U-He). The DN hasn’t anything like this. I’d like to have one button (or combo) on the machine (and OB) to put a sound in my favorites. Actually it’s not possible.

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I make sure all sounds have only 1 tag, and then I can narrow down sounds when making a song. I also don’t use many tags, I stick to type of sound and never use descriptions which depend on how the sound is used. It might be more descriptive to have multiple tags, but I find over-tagging essentially means nothing gets narrowed down. The only second tag I use is ‘favourite’.

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Yes, sure i can use some patches as a bass drum AND a lead, but i’m going to have to tweak envelopes and change octaves so not too helpful there by over-tagging.

Any patch can be another instrument when used as another instrument but I want to start with one tuned for a specific task :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you’re willing to try to get your hands dirty with external programs and python, there’s this project:

You have to dig in, but essentially you can export the list of sounds in your DN to a CSV file, edit names and tags there, and then update the sounds info on the DN with your changes when you’re finished.


So I might have misled you - thought you could also edit (not only view) tags in OB
I don’t think the standalone version will be any different than plugin one in this department

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Not sure who that comment was directed at BruteCoan, or if it was a joke, or even what part of this thread it was based on. Care to explain it?

it’s funny, i almost flagged it but didn’t think it met any of the criteria “enough.”

I guess someone flagged it ?

One thing I can say, now that I have tagged my patches, it makes it easier to find all the ones which are basically duplicates. I can keep two electric pianos, or two glass bells, but I don’t need 30 of each.

The other thing I can say is that auditioning the patches with a keyboard is essential, and patches that use the modwheel to morph are awesome. I really wish the Digitone had a touchstrip, or something like a modwheel so you could record that stuff into sequences without a separate piece of gear.

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