Patchblocks - programmable modular synth

We are proud to present Patchblocks, a modular synthesiser and signal processing system where you decide what the hardware does. You want a filter module? Turn your Patchblock into one! You want a crazy sounding bassline synth with built-in arppegiator? Make it so! We provide you with an empty canvas, your imagination fills it.

Pretty amazing. I’m thinking of using on of these as a stereo filter for my main output (synths and samplers), but I’m a little worried that the 10 bit converter will make my output sound to lofi. Any thoughts about this?

I don’t know HOW 10-bit and 20Khz sample rates could produce anything but lo-fi.

It’s like an old ensoniq mirage or something- it has it’s place but you can’t run everything through it- it would be crispy as hell.

Wow, this looks great and at a very good price. I was lucky enough to get a little cheque in the post as a result of paying too much tax and was looking for something to spend it on…

This kind of makes me think of the Nord Modular a bit. Would have been great with full midi implemented but apparently that could come in time.

Well a lo-fi filter is not bad actually very positive, many producers buy those older samplers like E-mu sp1200, Akai 950/900 and Akai Mpc-60 to get these crispy, grungy, old-school lo-fi sounds which would make any old school hiphopper Jizz?

My Octatrack is very hungry.