Pattern chains playing all pages in a pattern linearly?

Still figuring my way around the Digitone and I wondering about pattern chains.

In my head, I imagined that chaining patterns would play through every page of a pattern and then go on to the next pattern in the chain and play every page, and then onto the next, etc.

However, when chaining A01 and A02 together (both with 64 steps), it plays: A01 pg1 -> A02 pg1 -> A01 pg2 -> A02 pg2 -> A01 pg3 -> A02 pg3 -> A01 pg4 -> A02 pg4

Is there a way to have the chained patterns play each pattern’s pages linearly, rather than alternating?

Really? This sounds completely weird. Especially the part where it starts playing a pattern not from page 1 which shouldn’t be possible at all …


That is strange. I could understand it only playing 16 steps of each pattern, but not that weird cycling between pages. One reason it might not play all 64 steps of each pattern is the ch.len and m.len parameters. P37/38 in the manual


Ahhh…thanks for pointing this out! When switching the CH.LEN and M.LEN to 64 each, the chained patterns played linearly. It was set at 16/INF…so, the switching patterns after 1 pages makes sense, but it still seems odd that it was alternating pages until they were all played out.

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