Pattern Changing with Overbridge

Hi guys.

I’m using an AR and A4 with the Overbridge beta in Bitwig and had a quick question.

After a bit of research, it seems that sending pattern changes from the DAW to the machines isn’t integrated into Overbridge itself, and you’ve got to send Program Change messages from the DAW via a machine’s USB midi driver.

My question is … is this the only way to do this? Pattern changes would seem to be a pretty big thing in terms of integration (mixing and matching the sequencer of the DAW with the p-lock capable Elektron sequencer, for example), and this seems to be a slightly clunky way to do this - particularly in Bitwig where program changes have to happen via third party plugins.


i believe you are correct. I also have been trying to figure out a way to sequence the AR at a higher level externally but hit the same walls you have described.

PGM CHG via midi only works as ‘Sequential Pattern’ mode, you can’t do Direct jumps etc.