Pattern reload undo

Argh, I found one thread referencing this but man… I get that a quick save is only a func +yes away, but I have done this twice now. Shame on me? Yeah but also not the greatest design. Why no undo option for accidentally pressing func+no and losing an hour of work tweaked to perfection? Is there any way?

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Pattern reload is the undo function, it’s just a matter of perspective. You can also copy the pattern with FUNC + REC and save it in another pattern slot. And this can also be undone with FUNC + PLAY. The functionality is there, you just have to develop the habits of using it, save often and save multiples. Tweaking a pattern for a whole hour without saving is living on the edge :sweat_smile:

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ok… yeah i know it was risky but im still in my first week. what about resetting all track macros to default? sometimes its nice to see what happens to a new sample but often i want to hear it blank. I can’t find what im looking for in the manual. So far I’ve been pressing knobs by knob + no… very tedious.

Are you clearing it by page or individual parameters?, hold button(lfo for example) and press no to clear all parameters on that page.

I agree that it’s not the best implementation, and I’ve gotten burned a few times but it is what it is. What I do is, if I’m happy with a pattern, copy it to another pattern and tweak there. That way I always know I have a backup of sorts. Might not be elegant, but it could save your DT a trip through the window.

Another thing to be aware of is this: If you tweak a pattern and turn off your DT, lose power, it will save that tweaked version of the pattern. I really wish elektron could implement some sort of, reset all patterns to last saved state function as I’ve messed up songs by not checking each pattern before a power cycle/save.

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Does this work for plocked trigs? I can’t remember and not nearby :slight_smile: can clear the whole trig by just removing and replacing but wondering if there was a quick way to clear just a single page.

I echo your situation a week ago with a post I made about no undo for an accidental pattern clear… if you spot it quick it can be reversed, which doesn’t help if you just saved the project :frowning:

A +1 vote to this feature please! Another usage for ‘Reload PTN - Undo’ is for performance: almost like using the crossfader on an OT. You are playing a pattern, modify it, go back to the original form, play for a bar or whatever, and then back to your new form. A, B, A… etc. Cheers!