Pattern Won't Change During Playback! (T___T)''

Hey everyone!

Just stumbled onto a strange issue and was wondering if it’s a bug, or if I’m missing something. Cant figure it out to save my life, so figured I’d ask here!

When I’m playing Bank A + Pattern 6 in one project specifically, I cannot switch to another pattern during playback. The pattern view at the bottom of the screen just continues to flash between the active pattern (6) and the pattern it’s supposed to jump to…but it never actually switches. I’m in Sequential mode. I’ve checked all other active patterns in this project for this behavior, and specifically it’s just pattern 6. This means I can’t use Chain Mode, either.

I’ve checked other projects, and it looks like this is the only one causing problems.

What in the world is going on here? Has anyone seen this before? Maybe I’m missing a certain setting or something.

Thanks a ton for any help!

Do you have the Master Length in Track Scale set to INF with no CHN length set? Don’t have an AR but these settings are consistent across the OT and digiboxes. Only thing I can think of that would prevent a pattern from changing.


Holy shit, that was it!

No idea how that happened, but the Master Length of the Track Scale was set to INF.

So happy you helped me out, love it!

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