
Hi. For example, how to copy a pattern by pasting it on the next free one, so that changing the parameters or sound in the copied one does not change in the first one?
Analog four mk2

You will need to copy to a new kit as well. I would recommend reading the manual to avoid getting confused with the basic functions of the instrument.

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On the Digis, patterns and kits are a fixed 1:1 relationship. Or “there are no kits”.

On the Analogs, each Pattern is linked to a separate Kit. Multiple Patterns can share the same Kit, and this is the default. When you copy a Pattern, or even start a new Pattern afresh, the Analog Four or Rytm will associate the new Pattern with the same Kit you had linked to the previous Pattern.

If you want to edit the sounds for the new pattern without changing them for the previous one, you must also save a new Kit. With the new Pattern selected, go to the Kit menu, choose [Save kit] and pick a new slot for the new Kit. Saving the Kit also links the new Kit to the current Pattern.


With the Digi style boxes it’s easy you just hit and hold PTN > Pattern number > Copy… then PTN > New Pattern number > Paste

but with A4 it’s one more step, you have to hit and hold PTN > Bank [A for instance] > Pattern number etc