Pedals for texture

My recently purchased Perkons has a nice drone mode for some ambient goodness. Wat pedals are you using to help create ambience and texture?

I’ve recently become a Chase Bliss fanboi. I have an o.g. Mood and Generation Loss mkII. Love them. Mood is bonkers, playable, unpredictable with nice artefacts and crunch. GenLoss is much subtler; syrupy and comforting, Both great for texture.


Microcosm, Mood, or Red Panda Particle.

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Is there a YouTube channel dedicated to trying pedals with synths?

Duskmos would be a great start for YouTube research for pedals-with-synths in particular


A Montreal assembly count to 5 should provide a lot of fun too.

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Those two Chase Bliss are the ones on my list. Only have the CXM1978 out of the Bliss range


Limbic Bits is good for this.

The Walrus Audio Fable might be worth consideration.

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Lately I’ve been cueing out of OT into Microcosm, Tensor, and Particle. One or two at a time or have them all running creating sonic mayhem.

DL4, Big Sky, Cathedral, and a duel Reverb from E.H., but also a bunch of dirt cheap pedals like the Dandielectric 600ms delay, old ass Dods, and digitechs that are also cheap.
JHS on YouTube does a pretty great job talking g about pedals. Check it out if you haven’t. He mostlu focuses on the guitar side of it, but it transfers to synths, drum machines well enough

Ottobit Jr. is pretty great for texture, not much for ambience though