Pele.... Really?.... Well now the Universe is just being rude : (

You’d think with all that sportsball exercising he’d make it to 120.

I’m choosing cremation.

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Pele the Great Ambassador and Artist.
My father introduced him to be and remember watching a match (Cosmos) on our elk and who tv.
What a great life lived and joy shared and created.
RIP Pele. Thank you.

Its not his real name. Just a nickname. I think he deserves his real name now.

RIP Edson Arantes do Nascimento

we can’t choose who our Fam is, only acquiesce when they ask us to pass the cranberry sauce :grin:, I wouldn’t replace this lot with any other forum

Pele was so impactful that when playing neighborhood basketball as a kid I knew a kid that would call out Pele’s name when we started a game and everyone was choosing who they were pretending to be… you had to get dibs on the name or someone else would get it so cats would be screaming out Kareem etc… and this kid would call out Pele, and even though he wasn’t a basket ball player everybody knew who he was and nobody disallowed the name
He didn’t just transcend soccer but even sports entirely for some… great clip!

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Apparently his mother’s unaware that he’s died.

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His sister as well. She still calls him Edson.

Or you could also read it as the universe being merciful… sometimes it’s time…:black_heart: