Pele.... Really?.... Well now the Universe is just being rude : (



Very sad news indeed

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One of those rare examples of a human that manages to be a great sportsman and a great artist at the same time.

Seemed like a sound geezer too.


Even for someone who doesn’t “get” football like me, Pele was exceptional in the same way that Hendrix, Bruce Lee, Prince, Tesla, Senna and all those other once in a generation icons are. Incomparable. RIP


Westwood too.

Didn’t he make it into his eighties? A well paid professional, living well doing what he loved? Sounds like the universe is working just fine.

I hope everyone here is treated so by the universe. I know and have loved many, many who were not treated that way by the universe.


I’m sure you’re referring to the part when he was alive… I’m referring to the other part.

I think @Suspect_Frequency is referring to potentially the greatest ever football player, living into his 80s, a rich man, successful to an unprecedented level in his field, surrounded by his family, traveled the world… a time to celebrate an amazing life rather than question the rudeness of the universe.


I’m in the mourning camp, but the celebration camp is cool too, just a different camp


Death is coming for us all. Time to celebrate before it’s too late. He was a pretty rad sportsman.


I celebrated when he was alive, I even wrote the first book report in my life on him, in celebration but…

To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time of war, and a time of peace.


As have we all, but, it’s not often we collectively lose someone iconic who has genuinely touched millions of people and been a shining example of a human being. They don’t come along, or pass on, very often, hence the sentiments towards Pele. :v:

Rude? Seriously? Should people be immortal? :grin:

Everybody loved him. He’s was a true star, one of the titans of football along with Maradona. But I think even titans deserve to die someday :slightly_smiling_face:


Only this fucking forum could turn into a fucking grieve off.

Stop telling each other how to feel, people react differently to death, stop being twats.


There’s some tremendous footage of Pele on YouTube including a great comparison of Pele doing wondrous things compared to modern day “greats” the kids think invented the moves.

Like in many sports, modern athletes are physically on a different level. The likes of Best wood quickly fall by the wayside in todays game. But you just get a feeling that Pele would still have thrived at the top end of todays game no bother at all.

My favourite Pele clip doesn’t even result in a goal. I’ll need to dig it out. Hes chasing a throughball and the keeper is rushing out for it too. Pele has the incredibly quick thinking to dummy the ball and run past it confusing the keeper. Pele goes one way, the ball keys travelling the other. Unfortunately the distance and angle to goal was too much but I’ve always admired that sort of vision he had. What a player.

Edit: Easier than I thought to find it :joy:


That’s possible? I’ve got much to learn.

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I‘m sure the daughter he fathered but never acknowledged despite a positive DNA test would beg to differ.

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Start/stop, it’s all the same apparently.

His Mom is still alive and is 100.

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That’s far too short of a life. Extending the human lifespan dramatically is probably within reach for us as a species now (at least it’s at least not out of the question as it was not too long ago) if we would just prioritize this type of research. So I hope that the universe make humans reprioritize these things, thereby sparing us from having to bury each other quite as often :slight_smile: