Pelican or other case for *3* Elektron machines?

There are a number of threads on Pelican cases for storing 2 Elektron boxes, but has anyone determined the best case for storing/transporting 3 of them? I have an A4, OT, and (just yesterday) an AR. It would be great to keep all of these together, along with their respective power supplies.

For this many units, stacking them side-by-side seems like it would be better than stacking vertically so as to avoid excess weight on the bottom unit. I don’t really care much about having them fit in an airplane overhead bin – this is mainly for storage and protection.

Any ideas?

it’d be cool if someone made something like the tip top 252 eurocase for em

Elektron posted a picture to Instagram of a bag that’s good for an Analog Keys or 3 of the regular size boxes. Doesn’t look like a hard case but they say it’s coming out soon.

I have a pelican 1610 which fits three Elektron Boxes and also a 707/tr8 and an acidlab baseline. But take out the 707 and baseline and you’ll have plenty of room for PSUs and cables.

Here’s what mine looks like loaded

I have the 1610 too. It’s probably overkill for only 3 boxes, though handy if you get more later.

Gator GM - 15 - TSA is OK. I’ve used it for several gigs now and it’s great.

And there’s still room inside for the 3 psu + 2 little psu more + 1 synth like the Micro Modular or the Mono Lancet.

Just remove the foam for the mics, cut them, and put them between the Elektrons.

66€ on Amazon !

Hi fellas, I am looking into buying some heavy duty case for 3 elektrons and was wondering whether any of you had any experience in using the above as a checked in luggage solution?
I would ideally want to buy a bigger case to fit inside also guitar fx processor and a couple other boxes/cables, in addition to the 3 elektrons…

Also, I have read now I think at least a couple of threads in which people do stuff like that and none of you use the plastic protective lids, but cuts the foam precisely to fit the knobs etc. My gut feel would dictate that packing the machines with the lids and cutting the foam to fit to that is more secure, but I could be wrong…any other experiences/opinions?